These are a few of my favorite Thanksgiving memories…
~ Giving hugs when we first arrived and looking down to find Mae hugging my leg without me knowing it.
~ Taking a walk with Mom to the beach and exclaiming over all the architectural details of the charming houses.
~ Opening our white elephant gifts and seeing Krista’s excitement over an old box.
~ “Dance Party.” If you were there, you know.
~ Letting all the cousins come to our house and cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie.
~ Watching Audrey feed Maddie.
~ The picture falling on us as we were taking family pictures.
~ Mae sitting in my lap snuggling and trying to get my bangs to (unsuccessfully) tuck behind my ear.
~ Mae including herself in Nathan & Amy’s family picture.
~ Luke & Krista wearing matching ugly sweaters.
What about you? Do you have a favorite memory from Thanksgiving? I would love to hear it!
Taking the kids to the park
Watching Kylene and Justin do such a magnificent job on the Thanksgiving meal
Playing the games with the adults the last night
Visiting with the early rising kids each morning
Playing Bingo with the older kids
Getting Maddie to (almost) smile at me
Helping Chloe try to figure out her loom
Getting special notes from Audrey and Chloe
Discussing things with Ethan
…and much more (as they say!)
My favorite things:
*Josiah asking me to help him in the bathroom and then asking my name 🙂
*The fabulous Thanksgiving meal.
*Chris’s reaction to the boys’ yoga poses
*The cousins being so excited to see and play with each other.