I’m not going to lie, this past month was rough.
It was really tough to go seemingly backwards in time. Instead of moving into Spring and the hopefulness of being able to spend time outside and seeing things growing and becoming more beautiful, we instead were back in January. Nature totally covered by snow, the blank whiteness blinding us everywhere we went; snowpants and gloves trying to give one last valiant effort to last to the bitter end.
Chloe and Josiah were so ready to be done lugging their snowpants, hats, gloves and boots to school everyday.
But then this weekend, everything changed. It warmed up and the sun started to melt away our blues.
And today I can officially say that Spring has arrived. It took a while, but we made it.
The kids have spent hours upon hours outside over the past couple of days. I’ve started deep cleaning the house. I’ve welcomed back my long lost friend: motivation. 😀 Tim even blew the dust and leaves off the patio and put up all the lawn chairs again.
Chloe went to a sleepover on Saturday night and I cleaned her room, and I mean REALLY cleaned it. It was a good thing she was gone. I now fully understand why parents send their kids away in order to clean. Ha! And when she came home she was dazzled and leaped for joy with how clean it was. Mom for the win!
This morning the Littles and I went on a walk. It was glorious. See? No more snow! And it was warm enough that by mid walk I took off my light jacket and was comfortable in my sweatshirt.
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