This was a unique year.
Normally if Halloween were to fall on a Saturday night, a Full Harvest moon, with no snow on the ground AND daylight saving tossed into the mix kids would have been crawling all over town. It would have been teeming with kids!
But when we went out this year it was incredibly empty.
On a side note: I just love the sense of community on Halloween. I love watching all the kids running up and down the street and the parents mulling around behind them talking to neighbors they haven’t seen in a while. Or groups of families huddled around a little bonfire in someone’s driveway, thankful for the warmth. While I do not agree with some parts of Halloween, I do agree with community and believe in the freedom to let kids dress up. And candy. I believe in eating candy. 😉
The kids decided to dress up as:
Chloe – Queen of Hearts
Josiah – Mario
Madison – Wonder Woman
Levi – A Dragon!
Of course, Jen was here (because it was a Saturday!) and also because she is the Captain Trick-or-Treater. Hah! She is the one that pushes the kids to go faster and further when they are out. Don’t worry, everyone has fun. 😉 We were able to have even more fun this year with a sleepover with Ali and Stephanie! Oh, and Abby came over to trick-or-treat with us too! The more the merrier!
It was crazy windy when we started, but the wind died down after an hour or so. We had the biggest amount of candy we’ve ever collected–mostly because there were hardly any people out and about, but there were still a lot of houses giving out candy. So the ones that did get kids were a bit more generous.
But enough talk, let’s get to the pictures!
(Update: I’m having a hard time adding pictures. The site is being wonky. I’ll put those up tomorrow)
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