Writing about all the big & little things

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Busy weekend.

I’m posting to say I won’t be posting for a couple days.  It’s my recital weekend, and Tim is starting a side-job tomorrow which will take him away for a few weekends, so I’ll be busy picking up the cakes, buying punch supplies, printing certificates, finalizing the summer schedule, printing and folding programs, etc. with the kids 🙂  It’s all good, but I’ll be busy.  So, I’ll be sure to post again next week–my official FIRST WEEK OF SUMMER VACATION!   Woot!

Friday night random thoughts

My Friday night random thoughts.

►► We had the fence guys come and give us an estimate.  It took longer than we expected and it’s a good chunk of change.  We’ll see if that is on the summer list of projects to be competed….

►►  Chloe played outside almost the entire day today.  She was VERY tired by bedtime.  And it looks like a little bit sunburned… oops!

►► I’m going running with a church friend tomorrow morning.  It’s going to be slow and painful, but fun.

►► I’ve decided to bring my ice cream maker back to life for the summer.  If you know any good ice cream recipes, you should send them to me!

►► I can’t remember if I wrote about my new piano tuner–he’s really great.  I like him a lot.  He was very informative and cost the same as my old tuner.

►►  My summer schedule is coming together pretty nicely.  As of now, I’m only teaching on Monday (afternoon-evening) and Tuesday (all day).  I’m excited for the chance of pace.

►► I’m also very excited to do a lot of fun summer things with the kids!

►► Speaking of fun summer things–I’ve signed Josiah and Chloe up for free bowling over the summer.  Doesn’t that sound like fun!?!


I’m waiting to mow my lawn…

This probably seems funny to you who live in the South, who have probably been mowing your lawn for weeks now… but our lawn is just now starting to get long.  I’ve decided that I’m going to wait to mow it for the first time until my neighbors mow theirs.  🙂 I heard once that you should wait to mow for the first time a little longer to really let it come in strong.  I have no real basis of knowing if that information is at all true, but it seemed logical to me, so I’ve allowed myself to believe it.

We are probably going to have the “worst” looking lawn in our neighborhood.  I’m pretty sure we’re the only house that doesn’t have a sprinkler system.  And we’re not planning to get one either.  We’re not looking for ways to spend more money at this point in time.  So… while all of their lawns are lush and green on those hot summer weeks, our will be nice and brown and crunchy.  🙂

Grass Fire

We live on the edge of Shakopee now.  I really love that.  I just adore that I can wash dishes and look out my window one way and see a large field with a hill and cows.  Yet, we’re still in town.  As much as I thought I would really like to live in the country someday, I’ve discovered I’m too much of a pansy for that now.  True story.  I’ve become (gasp!) “City-ified.”  But that’s not the point of this post.  I can go on and on about what I like living in a suburban setting another time…

today my post is about fires.

We’ve noticed that there have been a couple times now that we can see billowing smoke just over the houses.  I mean–truly BILLOWING.  Actually, it appears to be in the houses, which leads me to be concerned that there is a house on fire, but it always turns out to be the field just past the houses.  I guess it’s that time of year to burn the grass down.  Or maybe it was an accident.  I’m not sure.

But today there was another one and it gave off a hefty amount of smoke all afternoon and into the evening.  When I finished teaching it was dark and I noticed that the smoke was now just over the hill and made the smoke glow orange.  It was the coolest sight.

I tried to take a picture of it, but it’s hard to capture.  It was billowing more upward just before this but the wind pushed it to the side by the time I got this picture.

Hopefully everyone is okay and it was contained the way they wanted it…

Notice the red light just below the white beacons of light?  That's the casino.  :) It's also very pretty at night.

Notice the red light just next to the white beacons of light? That’s the casino. 🙂 It’s also very pretty at night.


And this is to give you a better idea of how dark it really was out--this was my first attempt at a picture... apparently I should not use my flash so it highlights the tree in my way... Haha!

And this is to give you a better idea of how dark it really was out–this was my first attempt at a picture… apparently I should not use my flash so it highlights the tree in my way… Haha!

Whoa! How can it be Monday night already?

I can’t believe how quickly April has flitted right by.  This has been an off month for me.  I was doing really great with keeping on top of things after the craziness of contest settled down, but then I just got in a bit of a funk and I’ve had a hard time shaking it.  I’m going to just start fresh in May.  I’ll call April my “month off” from weight loss and cleaning.  🙂  I think part of the weirdness has revolved around this very strange start to Tim’s work season.  We thought he would start late because of the snow, but then it wasn’t really that late, but then he hurt his foot, but then he tried to go to work anyway, and then it started raining (days on end!) so he can’t work again, and we’re right back to his foot hurting again.  It’s hard to create a new routine when there really isn’t any routine…

But Tim goes back to the foot specialist tomorrow morning.  It’s been 2 weeks since he was last in and it’s not getting better.  At all.  🙁

In other news I’ve done some scouring of Shakopee for a new recital venue (since the church got rid of their baby grand piano) with little success.  Actually I’m pretty surprised at the lack of grand pianos in Shakopee!  For a town this size I would have expected more… they just must be hiding…


We’re off to a wedding today!

Our Pastor’s daughter, Jessi, is getting married today! Yippie! We’re heading off to the wedding in just a little bit and I’ll try to remember to get a picture of us all dressed up… We’ve known Jessi for a while–she’s been on the worship team with Tim and I for quite some time. She was also a music major and also a soprano, so we never have a shortage of topics to talk about. 😉

I’m so excited! But I bet they never envisioned getting married in the beginning of April with this much snow on the ground!

Oh, and for those keeping tabs on us–we’re all feeling much, MUCH better today.  🙂

Spring Break! Well, kind of…

Friday was the official start of Spring Break for Shakopee.  They get all of this week off too–so that’s a nice hefty break for them.  I still taught on Friday and I’m teaching all day today as a make-up day, so my break doesn’t actually start until tomorrow.  🙂

I made a mental list of all the things I wanted to do with the kids and accomplish around the house and suddenly my break doesn’t seem nearly as long… one of my big items was to rent a heavy duty carpet cleaner and clean all the carpets in the house.   So, I was really motivated and rearing to go on Saturday–so Tim stopped by Lowe’s and rented a cleaner for the day.  And I cleaned like a mad woman.  ALL.  OF.  THE.  CARPETS.  And let me tell you, in this house we have a lot of carpet!  My legs and arms are still sore.  And I had blisters on my right hand from pulling the cleaner back and forth!  I’m just glad I had already been working out b/c I can’t imagine how sore I would have been normally!  😉

But, despite my soreness–the house looks FANTASTIC!  It’s so wonderful to know that all the carpets are clean.  Ahhhhhh….

Now onto cleaning out the garage and working on the yard and storing away clothes that don’t fit the kids anymore and somewhere in there I’ll relax.  🙂

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