I guess this is the week to post about food! 😉
I’ve started to make more intentional efforts to eat more healthy–mostly due to being a part of the Fritz Family Weight-Loss Challenge–but also partly because it’s good for me. I’m not saying I’ll ever cut out sugar all the way, or go all organic or anything, but baby steps here, people. For me, eating vegetables AT ALL is a huge accomplishment. I’ve started buying more varieties of fruits and vegetables so when I reach for something to eat I have a greater chance of grabbing a healthier option.
The part that is super funny to me is that my kids like my healthy food. I’ll go to offer them a snack and what do they want? MY healthy food! I made it specifically for me, people!
MY hard boiled eggs.
MY sweet potato fries.
MY grilled zucchini.
MY greek yogurt.
MY steamed green beans.
MY grilled chicken.
My green spinach/strawberry/banana smoothie
Ok, I hope you can sense that I’m not actually mad at them. I just find great humor in the situation. I think it just goes to show that kids always seem to want whatever food their parents are eating no matter what. 🙂 So, I’m pleased that they are eating better right along with me.
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