Writing about all the big & little things
Jen spent the night last night and is coming back again tonight just in case. It’s nice to know that if I go into labor in the middle of the night we don’t have to wake the kids up. I still think it will be tomorrow. In fact, I so firmly believe that it will be, that I’m going to be REALLY disappointed if it doesn’t happen.
Our adventure for today was going to a birthday party!
Some newer friends of ours at church were celebrating their little girl’s 1st birthday. It was so cute. I forgot what a big deal first birthdays are. They had a watermelon theme, which I thought was super fun. Our kids had a blast playing in the kiddie pool and running around with the other kids. It was a bit strange for us, though, since Chloe was the oldest kid there. We’re not used to having the oldest child when we go to gatherings.
They even had favor jars to send home with each kid. It’s hard to see the picture, but they are plastic “mason” jars with lids and straws, bubbles, watermelon gum and then watermelon suckers. Too cute!
I wonder if I should plan an adventure for tomorrow….. ??? Hmmmmmmm…………………. 😉
If you’re keeping tabs, I did finally decide on an adventure for yesterday: we went to the library! They were each allowed to check out 2 books each and I found some books on tape for Chloe. It was a quick adventure because I was feeling “off.” Nothing serious, but it made me want to get home quickly.
And then today our adventure was a visit from Nathan and Amy!! The kids had a fantastic time playing with the cousins. We had supper together and enjoyed catching up. A delightful evening!
Then to cap it off, Jennifer and I finished up the puzzle. Yippie!
Here we go–it’s the countdown, er, wait… I mean count UP to the day I have this baby. My prediction is still 40 weeks and 4 days since that’s what I was with both the other two. So, that means I have 2 more full days to get everything in order! Today we’re getting the house re-cleaned and we installed the baby carseat. We also washed bedding. Both Chloe and Josiah had fevers earlier this week–NOT what I wanted to be dealing with as I imagine bringing a newborn home. Luckily whatever it was passed quickly and they’re both doing great now.
My friend at church who was due this past Sunday went into the hospital this morning. That would be 40 weeks and 4 days for her. Isn’t that amusing? She’s having a girl too. I’m excited for her. Plus I’m relieved, since I REALLY wanted her to have her baby first, just to be fair since she was due before me. 🙂
Here are a few pictures from yesterday. I haven’t fully decided what our adventure for today is going to be……. hmmmmmm….
That’s right! Today is my official due date. Which really doesn’t mean anything except that the baby is probably going to come in the next 6 days. Someone told me yesterday that the percentage chance of actually having the baby on your due date is crazy small–like 3%. Ah, well. I still think it would be cool if she came today.
Wanna see a comparison of all of my pregnancies at 40 weeks? Of course you do! (P.S. I inverted the picture from today since I was standing the wrong direction…)
I had my appointment and I’m dilated to just about a 3 and far along in effacement. She didn’t give me a % for that just said, “Oh, wow–that feels nice and ready.” (sorry if that’s too much information….) My favorite midwife is on call for the next 48 hours, so I would love to have it with her. But in the long run it won’t matter which midwife I have since I’m pretty distracted during labor to really remember anything. 😉
We had a friend from church over this morning (she watched the kids while I was at my appointment and then we hung out for a while after I got back). The kids played with her little one. That was our morning “adventure.” This afternoon we’re going for a bike ride/walk (clearly they will be the ones on bikes) and making cookies. Fun, fun, fun!
Oh, and did I mention that I started another puzzle? This one has completely random sized pieces. So random that I’ve been working on it for a full day now and I still haven’t found all the edge pieces… I know they’re in there since it was brand new…
Well, last night I was up at 3:00 having regular contractions that lasted until 8:00 this morning. They were regular but not getting any stronger, so I called the midwife and she confirmed what I thought–the frequency doesn’t matter but the intensity does. So, after eating breakfast and getting the kids up and ready and going about my day they finally died off for the most part. I can definitely tell they are getting more painful and walking is also more painful, but nothing yet. Which doesn’t actually surprise me, since I was late with the other 2. It’s just disappointing to have the contractions last for so long and then just go away.
And in light of my morning starting with such uncertainty I had to cancel our adventure plans for today–which REALLY bummed me out. We were going to meet up with Stacy and little Autumn (who is 9 months now!) at a park and let the kids play and then have lunch together. It was going to be awesome. Well, I guess we’ll have to save that for another day. Instead we laid low at home and then I took them out for ice cream this afternoon as or “adventure.” They still thought it was fun.
Then tonight the kids helped Tim mow the lawn. Yup, I finally decided it was time to relinquish the mowing duties for a little bit. 🙂
My hope is that this baby comes tomorrow. I would just love the idea of coming right on my due date. So punctual!
Let’s see, where did I leave off?
Oh yeah! The Parks Adventure (that was our Friday event).
5. Saturday: We did a Video Game afternoon. I made signs for them and hung balloons in the basement and then we sat on the couch and played video games on the Wii for a couple of hours as a family. Chloe and Josiah thought it was a hoot! Especially when Tim and I would play against each other.
6. Sunday: Father’s Day! We got to have lunch at Pizza Ranch with some friends who are just about to head oversees to be missionaries. They were friends of our when we were going to church in St. Boni years ago. It was wonderful to catch up them. He’s actually just finished training to be a missionary bush pilot and they are heading to Africa.
7. Monday: Went to the movie theater! The movie theater is having a summer promotion where they do kids showings on certain days for a discounted price. Today’s movie was Paddington. They really enjoyed it. (sorry the picture is not the best)
7.5: Still Monday: Yup, we did two things today. We went to a friends house to see their rabbits! The girls are actually our nannies and I teach them both piano, so we’ve become friends. The kids loved seeing the rabbits and then the kids played with the girls for quite a while–they wore themselves out nicely. 🙂
Yup. Still here. I’m officially less than a week away from my “due date.” But I was just rereading my old posts from right before when I had Chloe and Josiah and I went 4 days late with both of them… which means I’ll probably have this baby on June 28th if I keep to my track record.
I had my appointment yesterday morning. Everything looks peachy-keen. I’m measuring right on track now (weird, eh?) and I’m dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. I also haven’t passed my highest weight with the other two, which I find very interesting since I started heavier with this one. I thought for sure I would blow by my previous heaviest weight, but I haven’t. So, that’s nice.
Tonight I made sure I said something to the kids as I was putting them to bed about how if the baby comes in the middle of the night they’ll probably wake up with someone else here. I guess we’re getting close to that time, eh?
Last night the smoke alarm battery ran low and started beeping sporadically at us at about 2 in the morning. It scared me to death, but it didn’t wake Tim up. So I had to poke and prod him until he woke up and could take care of it. The funniest part of this story was that he told me later that it never even crossed his mind that I was waking him up because I was in labor. Isn’t that funny? We both are having a hard time wrapping our heads around the fact that this is going to happen–and soon!
P.S. I’m just about done with the puzzle! And on a side note: NEVER buy a puzzle with a reflection and trees. It’s dumb.
Well, I finally broke down and made a trip to the chiropractor yesterday. I was hoping to hold out and not need to go in with this pregnancy–with Josiah I started going at 37 weeks. However, my hips are so out of alignment that it’s getting too painful to sleep and walk. I know that this is due to having to sleep exclusively on one side at night as well as the extra “loosey goosey” joints due to pregnancy. So, I finally went in to see if it might help.
And I’m happy to say: It did! I know it’s not going to hold for very long, but hopefully I won’t have too many more days to be pregnant. 🙂 My hips are significantly less painful today. Although there is a spot on my low back/hip that hurts now, that didn’t hurt before. But I think that’s due to being so out of alignment that my body is rejecting being put back into place. So, we’ll see how long it holds. I might have to go back in next week.
Here’s a picture of us hanging out on the couch tonight. Even though I hate taking pictures right now, I thought it would be fun to remember how huge I feel. We’re all snuggled in watching Wreck-It Ralph before bed.
I’m just over a week away from my due date. And while I don’t expect to go early, I’m also aware that my water could break anytime. And again, while my water didn’t break with the two kids, that doesn’t mean I’m out of the woods for this one yet. So, it’s time to start bringing a towel with me. Mostly I’m worried about it in the car (not a mess I want to deal with!) and in bed at night (we just got a new mattress last year!). The anticipation is starting to build here. 🙂
I’m definitely starting to feel more pressure and stronger contractions (or braxton hicks if that’s what it is at this point) but nothing to be noteworthy yet. But there have been a few times where I’ve actually said “ouch!” out loud. 🙂 I have another appointment on Wednesday.
Now is the time for babies though! I have an adult student who was due this past Wednesday and still hasn’t had her baby yet, and a friend at church is due this coming Sunday (so she could pop anytime!) and then of course I’m hoping to have this baby anytime next week. Babies, babies, everywhere!
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