I’m just over a week away from my due date. And while I don’t expect to go early, I’m also aware that my water could break anytime. And again, while my water didn’t break with the two kids, that doesn’t mean I’m out of the woods for this one yet. So, it’s time to start bringing a towel with me. Mostly I’m worried about it in the car (not a mess I want to deal with!) and in bed at night (we just got a new mattress last year!). The anticipation is starting to build here. 🙂
I’m definitely starting to feel more pressure and stronger contractions (or braxton hicks if that’s what it is at this point) but nothing to be noteworthy yet. But there have been a few times where I’ve actually said “ouch!” out loud. 🙂 I have another appointment on Wednesday.
Now is the time for babies though! I have an adult student who was due this past Wednesday and still hasn’t had her baby yet, and a friend at church is due this coming Sunday (so she could pop anytime!) and then of course I’m hoping to have this baby anytime next week. Babies, babies, everywhere!
Regarding water breaking in bed which it did for me, I had put a large garbage bag under the sheets and then a towel to absorb. The garbage bag does retain heat so that is a drawback but it did protect the mattress when the water broke. I never thought about it possibly breaking while in the car but there again a garbage bag and a towel might suffice. On a lighter side I heard of a woman who carried a jar of pickles with her while she was shopping (grocery shopping)so that if her water broke she would just drop the pickles and use that as an explanation for the water on the floor.
I was thinking of you last night in bed, wondering if you were able to sleep. I know that these last nights can be very, very long. The days, too. Just know that my thoughts are with you and I love you very much!