Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Baby Friesen (Page 3 of 5)



I know you’ve probably been on pins and needles waiting to find out what animal we had decided on for this newest addition.


You weren’t?

You forgot about the animal?

Well, let me refresh your memory.  I like to give each child a “theme animal” to decorate with and have as a stuffed animal to cuddle.  I pretty much force it on them when they are little putting it in their crib at every naptime, and then like magic, they suddenly have a comfort animal that they LOVE for the next few years.  It becomes the “thing” they need to sleep with and provides them with comfort when they are upset.  It’s actually really awesome.  I’ve witnessed both Chloe and Josiah being inconsolable when I put them down for a nap and they both take that stuffed animal and hug it (and sometimes cry right into it) and suddenly they are able to calm down and eventually go to sleep.

Chloe has giraffes and Josiah has  tigers, and in keeping with the jungle theme, the baby girl will have zebras.

So, if you find any cute Zebra stuff, feel free to send it on over!  🙂

38 Weeks and an extra Ultrasound!


When I was in last week for my appointment the midwife was concerned b/c I was measuring 3 over again, so she asked to schedule a growth check ultrasound. She was concerned about too much extra fluid and couldn’t determine which way the baby was positioned.  This time I didn’t protest at all.  I’ve never had an ultrasound this late in pregnancy, so it sounded fun to me!  So, when I came back in for my appointment this week I had called ahead and had my ultrasound appointment right after.  (As a side note:  I’m measuring just fine now.  It’s so subjective to the midwife I have, and how he baby is sitting… but nothing to be concerned about.  Which, let’s face it, I already knew, but whatever… )

The ultrasound was indeed fun.  I was able to see that the baby is measuring right on–she said it looks like the baby is measuring in the mid 7 pound mark right now.  That really makes me happy, because they estimate the baby will gain about a  1/2 pound a week at this point, so that would mean she will PROBABLY come out in the high 8 pounds which isn’t bad at all.  After Chloe being born at 7 pounds 9 ounces and then Josiah at 9 pounds 1 ounce, I was guessing this one would be over 10 pounds!  I’m VERY excited that this baby doesn’t appear to be a giant baby.  🙂

So, the ultrasound technician showed me all the different parts of the baby and measured and checked to make sure all the organs are working properly (everything was great!).  The only part that was measuring a little big is the stomach area which she said is very common.  And then she changed over to take some 3D pictures.  THAT.  WAS.  SO.  COOL.  I can’t believe what they can do with technology these days.  It’s amazing.  I asked her how accurate the images are and she said they were close but a lot of times the images will have disproportionate noses, either too wide or too narrow.

baby girl 38 weeks

She got a really great picture, and then she asked about my other kids and printed them each their own picture with a caption “Hi Chloe!” and “Hi Josiah!” on them.  The kids thought that was so fun!


Feeling Accomplished

I remember when we bought our lawn mower last year I was disappointed that we had to buy one with the capability to be self-propelled.  I liked the idea of needing to use my own strength.  But it was the only one that also collapses and and can store in a much smaller space which was the real draw for buying that mower.    I felt like using the self-propelled level was somehow “cheating.”  I know, I know.  It’s crazy.

Anyway, fast forward to this week…

As I waddled along mowing the lawn I was grateful for that little lever.  It helped make mowing the lawn SO much easier.  I’m proud that I was able to mow the lawn on my own at 8 months pregnant.  And even though it took me almost twice as long as normal, I still did it!  (And don’t worry, for those of you who think I’m overdoing it, I did take a short break in the middle.) And we agreed that I need to mow at very low key times of the day so not many people see me mowing.  As to not draw attention to myself.  When I was pregnant with Josiah (and quite large) a car actually slowed down and took a picture of me.  I guess they had never seen a pregnant lady mow the lawn?  Anyway, Tim’s request was that I keep the mowing on the “down-low” this time.  Hehe!

It’s funny how things change over time.  In fact I have to like the self-propelled feature more than I thought I would (last year when I was able to mow at a normal pace).  I’m able to go up the hills so much easier and I’m able to restart after turning around really fast.

Theoretically I only need to mow 4 more times before the baby arrives.  I guess that is, unless I go over my due date, which is highly likely.   But I like mowing, so it’s not really something I dread.  I’ve always liked mowing.  It feels so nice to look out and see those straight stripes across the sweet smelling grass.  The only week I’m taking it super easy is this coming week because I REALLY don’t want to have the baby this next week with my recital coming up.  But after June 1st, I’m game to have the baby anytime! 😉

Pregnancy Pro’s & Con’s

34 Weeks!  Only 6 to go!!!

34 Weeks! Only 6 to go!!!

As I round the corner to the end of this pregnancy (which I fully expect to be my final pregnancy) I thought it would be fun to compile a list of things that I will miss someday about being pregnant, and then things I will not miss.  Of course, it’s all very skewed when I’m in the midst of being pregnant (the grass is always greener on the other side idea), but I’m at an interesting point right now.  I’m at the point again where I don’t remember what it feels like to be “normal” again.  The point where I worry that I’m going to stay this way forever.  I know it’s illogical, but who said pregnant women are logical?   😉

Things I WILL miss about being pregnant:

  • Not having to worry about my belly looks in outfits
  • Feeling the baby move inside of me
  • Getting to see the baby on the ultrasound and knowing it is actually growing inside of me
  • The hilarious (and sometimes inappropriate) things total strangers say to me about being pregnant
  • Josiah talking about my belly getting bigger
  • Watching Josiah put his tiny hand on my belly trying to feel the baby move
  • The kids being excited about the baby coming and talking about how helpful they will be
  • The humor of the baby having the hiccups inside of me
  • Getting to go to my midwife appointments and hearing the baby’s heart beat inside me.  It’s such a cool feeling
  • The camaraderie I have with other pregnant women–or even women carrying young infants.  They smile as if to say “hang in there, you’re almost to the best part…”
  • The freedom to eat whatever I want whenever I want (I probably shouldn’t be taking so much advantage of this…)
  • How excited people are for me–even total strangers
  • The instant compassion people have on me because I’m pregnant
  • Knowing that this is “the end of the era” of having babies.  We’ll be onto a different phase in our lives

Things I will NOT miss about being pregnant:

  • Not being able to play on the floor with the kids
  • Random people wanting to touch my belly
  • The fact that I can’t do anything these days without being winded
  • How my hands fall asleep easily
  • Having to sleep propped up and on my side (I sleep with 7 pillows these days!)
  • Constant hip pain
  • Being limited in what I can do–I don’t like being limited.  I can’t carry salt bags to the basement anymore…
  • Not being able to give regular hugs b/c my belly’s to big!
  • My hands swelling so I can’t wear my wedding ring
  • My lips swelling.  (Did you know that could happen?  Well, it can.)
  • Not being able to tie my shoes without grunting and resting between feet
  • Having to get up multiple times during the night to use the bathroom
  • Having to literally roll out of bed (for said bathroom breaks) because I can’t just sit up in bed anymore
  • Having a messy shirt (be it food or water or something I accidentally leaned on) and not even knowing it because I can’t see the bottom of my belly anymore!
  • Woman problems that would be inappropriate to share on here…
  • My enormously round face
  • The stress I have worrying about the baby getting strangled in it’s umbilical cord (again, I know it’s irrational…)
  • Trying to agree on a name for the baby

But after all is said and done, I think the thing that will stick with me the most being pregnant and eventually getting to hold that little tiny baby in my arms is how amazing God is.  It’s breathtaking to see a new baby for the first time and see how they’ve grown into a complete little person right inside of me.  They have perfect little noses and fingers and ears.  They go from breathing in the womb to being able to instantly breath the air.  They already have a personality and likes and dislikes.  God’s plan is fascinating.  And I count myself lucky that, even though I’m not crazy about being pregnant, that I’ve been able to experience His perfect plan.

Pregnancy Pals

When I was pregnant with Chloe and Josiah I knew a few other people who were also expecting, but not too many.  Or perhaps they just weren’t in close proximity to me.  This time around it seems like everywhere I turn I run into someone else that I know who’s pregnant!  Here’s my list of people I know who are due within 3 months of me…

  • Gal in my BSF group (had her baby last month)
  • Friend at church (had her baby last month)
  • Another Gal in my BSF group (due in June)
  • Another friend at church (due the same week as me!)
  • An adult student of mine (due in June)
  • Another gal at church (due in July)
  • Yet another gal at church (due in August)

As you can tell, we are not short on pregnant ladies around us!  We were joking at church the other day that the nursery is going to double in size soon (ok, not really, but it seems like it!).

But the fun part is that we can talk about our “pregnancy woes” to each other.  I’ve never had that as much as I have with this pregnancy.  And I feel so awful for those ladies who are having a hard time being pregnant or have been on bed rest or been really sick… I had none of those things.  Relatively speaking my pregnancies are “easy.”  But it’s fun to talk about getting bigger or needing to find more clothes that fit–and you know that they TRULY understand what you’re going through.  🙂

Oh and speaking of being pregnant.  I had my 34 week check up this morning and everything is look A-OK.  I’m measuring 2 weeks ahead, but that’s better than I had been (3 weeks ahead before).  But there’s no concern since I had that growth check ultra sound a few weeks ago.  In two more weeks I start weekly appointments.  Then it will feel like I’m really getting close!  Yippie!

So peaceful

As I stood at the sink washing dishes this morning it struck me how peaceful life is right now.  I was looking out the window and watching the birds fluttering through the yard and just a hint of rain starting to fall.  A gentle breeze was blowing through the patio door next to me and I could hear Josiah upstairs in his room playing with his cars.  Nothing pressing to do.  Nothing needing to be to resolved or fix.  Just dishes needing to be scrubbed.

It made me smile.

And then I realized my moment of peace is quickly coming to an end.  At least end for a while.  A few years from now I’ll be right back here again, but this time with a little girl home with me instead of a little boy.  And both Chloe and Josiah will be off enjoying school with stories to tell me when they get home.  And our little girl will impatiently wait at the window for the bus to drive by, just like Josiah does now for Chloe.

I’m thankful for my life right now.  I know soon I’m going to forget how thankful I am because I’ll be so sleep deprived and struggling through learning the rhythm of a newborn again.  And I’ll be thankful then too, but it will be harder for me to see through the haze.  So, right now I’m rejoicing in how much I am enjoying life.


Spring is here!

The trees are in full bloom here–it’s so pretty!  Our morning walks are much more delightful these days.

I heard Josiah exclaim this morning, “Chloe, Look!  It snowed last night!”

It took me a while to figure out why he was saying it… until Chloe yelled up to me–“He’s looking at the tree covered in white blossoms!”

In other news, Josiah has officially switched over to his next bike (training wheel bike).  And let me tell you, he’s fast!  I’m having a hard time keeping up with him at all these days.  Maybe switching him when I’m still VERY pregnant was a bad idea!  He’s getting faster and I’m getting slower!  😉


32 Weeks Pregnant Comparison

Right:  Chloe / Middle:  Josiah / Left:  Baby

 Chloe                                /                                   Josiah                                  /                      Baby

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