Writing about all the big & little things

38 Weeks and an extra Ultrasound!


When I was in last week for my appointment the midwife was concerned b/c I was measuring 3 over again, so she asked to schedule a growth check ultrasound. She was concerned about too much extra fluid and couldn’t determine which way the baby was positioned.  This time I didn’t protest at all.  I’ve never had an ultrasound this late in pregnancy, so it sounded fun to me!  So, when I came back in for my appointment this week I had called ahead and had my ultrasound appointment right after.  (As a side note:  I’m measuring just fine now.  It’s so subjective to the midwife I have, and how he baby is sitting… but nothing to be concerned about.  Which, let’s face it, I already knew, but whatever… )

The ultrasound was indeed fun.  I was able to see that the baby is measuring right on–she said it looks like the baby is measuring in the mid 7 pound mark right now.  That really makes me happy, because they estimate the baby will gain about a  1/2 pound a week at this point, so that would mean she will PROBABLY come out in the high 8 pounds which isn’t bad at all.  After Chloe being born at 7 pounds 9 ounces and then Josiah at 9 pounds 1 ounce, I was guessing this one would be over 10 pounds!  I’m VERY excited that this baby doesn’t appear to be a giant baby.  🙂

So, the ultrasound technician showed me all the different parts of the baby and measured and checked to make sure all the organs are working properly (everything was great!).  The only part that was measuring a little big is the stomach area which she said is very common.  And then she changed over to take some 3D pictures.  THAT.  WAS.  SO.  COOL.  I can’t believe what they can do with technology these days.  It’s amazing.  I asked her how accurate the images are and she said they were close but a lot of times the images will have disproportionate noses, either too wide or too narrow.

baby girl 38 weeks

She got a really great picture, and then she asked about my other kids and printed them each their own picture with a caption “Hi Chloe!” and “Hi Josiah!” on them.  The kids thought that was so fun!



  1. Kylene

    That is really cool!

    What makes me laugh, though, is the look on your face in that first picture that says “I feel so huge.” And on Chloe’s face that says “You’re taking a picture of us with pictures?” And Josiah’s just “HEY! Look at my chin!”

  2. chris

    That is so awesome that the kids actually get to see a picture of her. That must be so amazing for them. They believe there is a baby in there because you say so. But they were probably a bit skeptical. So cool!! What I think is amazing, too, is that she doesn’t look squished at all. I always pictured the baby just crammed in there, but she looks so relaxed and comfortable. Hard to believe she is living in water, though.

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