Writing about all the big & little things

Pregnancy Pals

When I was pregnant with Chloe and Josiah I knew a few other people who were also expecting, but not too many.  Or perhaps they just weren’t in close proximity to me.  This time around it seems like everywhere I turn I run into someone else that I know who’s pregnant!  Here’s my list of people I know who are due within 3 months of me…

  • Gal in my BSF group (had her baby last month)
  • Friend at church (had her baby last month)
  • Another Gal in my BSF group (due in June)
  • Another friend at church (due the same week as me!)
  • An adult student of mine (due in June)
  • Another gal at church (due in July)
  • Yet another gal at church (due in August)

As you can tell, we are not short on pregnant ladies around us!  We were joking at church the other day that the nursery is going to double in size soon (ok, not really, but it seems like it!).

But the fun part is that we can talk about our “pregnancy woes” to each other.  I’ve never had that as much as I have with this pregnancy.  And I feel so awful for those ladies who are having a hard time being pregnant or have been on bed rest or been really sick… I had none of those things.  Relatively speaking my pregnancies are “easy.”  But it’s fun to talk about getting bigger or needing to find more clothes that fit–and you know that they TRULY understand what you’re going through.  🙂

Oh and speaking of being pregnant.  I had my 34 week check up this morning and everything is look A-OK.  I’m measuring 2 weeks ahead, but that’s better than I had been (3 weeks ahead before).  But there’s no concern since I had that growth check ultra sound a few weeks ago.  In two more weeks I start weekly appointments.  Then it will feel like I’m really getting close!  Yippie!


  1. chris

    From my point of view, you are getting really close. I mean June is just around the corner. I’m so glad you have people you can “share the experience” with. I hope some of them are first-time moms that you can encourage, too.


  2. Amy

    Your pregnancy is going to super-fast for me 🙂 hee hee…. It always goes faster for the ones not actually carrying the baby.
    I babysat for a 7 1/2 month old today. Those big eyes and kissable cheeks! Oh my goodness, I could just eat her up. So, I’m all primed and ready for you to have your baby. We’re in MN from June 21-26. It would be great if we could see you (even if Baby isn’t ready to make an appearance).

  3. Erica

    That would be excellent, Amy! Odds are pretty good the baby should come that week! 😉 Although, my luck, it will arrive the day after you leave…

  4. Patsy Friesen

    it is interesting how pregnancies bunch up.when I was pregnant with Ryan he was 1 of 7 babies born just in our neighborhood and one of five or six born in church that same year.
    🙂 I too am looking forward to this baby being born!

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