Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Josiah (Page 5 of 17)

Week of Pictures

So, in lieu this week being mostly chaotic, I’ve decided to do a whole week of just pictures.  It will be like an extended Wordless Wednesday, but I would need to think of clever names for each day, like… um… let’s see…  Mum Monday, Tongue Tied Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, Taciturn Thursday, Flatlined Friday & Silent Saturday.  Haha!

To start off the picture week–how about some more silliness?

Josiah just loves taking pictures with me on my phone…  not all-together glamorous for me, but he loves it so much, I suppose I can forgo needing to look good!  😉

cheezy smile with josiah toothy smile with josiah


You might be able to tell that his top lip is really chapped right now.  He’s picked up a little cold and since he’s stuffy he’s been breathing through his mouth a lot and licking his lips more.  Poor guy.


Josiah was proud of this, so I took a picture

He was so excited to show me how he had piled all of his marbles into the toy.  He’s such a funny boy!

josiah and marbles

He’s just about phased out his afternoon naps.  He still has to go to his bed for “quiet time” but he only actually sleeps about every other day.  Chloe needed naps MUCH longer than he did.  I suppose it’s just a personality thing.  Each kids is different.  However, he will have to continue to have a long quiet time every day since I scheduled lessons during, what used to be, his nap time.  The good news is that he doesn’t fight his quiet time.  He’ll just lays there, happy as a lark, singing to his toys or playing with his tiger.  So, I really can’t complain!

In other news:  Tim’s back at the Home & Garden show again today.  He said Wednesday was very slow, but when I asked around lunchtime today he said it was picking up a little.  He’s back again bright and early tomorrow–so hopefully it will be a lot busier tomorrow since he’ll be pretty tired by then.  This morning Josiah was trying to convince him that he didn’t need to go to work.  And then when he realized that Tim was really actually going to go, he went and got socks on and informed Tim that he could go with him since he was all ready.  🙂

New neighbors next door

Our new neighbors moved in a couple weeks ago–they live right next door to our north.  We’ve had a lot of houses go up for sale on our street but this one was the most interesting to me since our backyards touch… I had been watching closely to see who was going to move in, so we were excited to finally meet them.  Turns out it’s a young couple (no kids yet) with a dog.   They are really nice.  I’m so excited.  Plus they have the most interesting dog–a great dane puppy!  It’s the most gorgeous color too: charcoal grey.   He’s 10 months old (so not done growing yet) and already REALLY tall and has the sweetest temperament.  Josiah and Chloe love him, which is really funny since the dogs head is higher than Josiah’s but he has absolutely no fear of the dog.

A funny aside is that his name is “Cooper” which is also the name of the dog who lives on the other side of them!  So there are two “Coopers” next door to each other.  🙂  Isn’t that funny?  So, we decided to call him “Big Cooper” to help the kids differentiate between the two.

Today the kids were playing outside and Big Cooper came outside and trotted alongside the fence with Josiah.  It was just adorable how Josiah kept walking back and forth talking to him.  I tried to take a picture, but keep in mind I was standing in the living room trying to take a picture through the window…  But still it gives you an idea of the size.

big cooper (8)

First trip to the dentist!

First trip to the dentist 1.8 (1)

I don’t like the dentist.

Don’t worry–it’s not personal.  I don’t like ANY dentists.

I have very soft teeth and no matter how many times I brush and floss regularly, I have always had something that needed to be done with my teeth–fillings, root canals, more fillings, crowns, and more fillings.  So, I have a great dislike of the dentist.  Add that to our predicament of being self-employed and not having dental insurance = expensive trips to the dentist.

However, I realized that my own feelings about the dentist (and cost!) have been deterring me from taking Chloe and Josiah to the dentist.  So, I finally bit the bullet and took them this morning.  I’m so proud of me. 🙂

And I’m so proud of them–they both were just wonderful.  I know Chloe was quite nervous this morning and even when we arrived.  But the dental hygienist was very patient and explained everything to her wonderfully and soon she was having a great time.    Josiah was a bit resistant about the whole dentist thing, but after he watched Chloe on the chair wearing the cool sunglasses and getting special bubble gum stuff in her mouth, he was totally on board for his turn.

First trip to the dentist 1.8 (5) First trip to the dentist 1.8 (3)

And for those interested, Chloe has two discolored spots on her bottom front teeth–turns out it’s just a “birthmark.”  They think it happens when the tooth is developing and she might have a fever at the same time that simply changes the color of the tooth.  There’s nothing we can do about it–but it also doesn’t affect the tooth at all.  It’s not weaker or anything, simply a funny color.

First trip to the dentist 1.8 (4)


Marble Run


Josiah got a marble run for Christmas and both kids just LOVE it. They will set it up (or more accurately one of the adults will set it up) and they will play with it for hours.  It’s really fun.  Plus it’s strangely addicting to me–trying to figure out a new way to make the marbles end up in a different place but still work… it’s all good fun.  Chloe can set it up and get the marbles to go through all the different routes she’s created, but Josiah is a little young to set it up by himself yet.  But I think it’s a great toy to work on “engineering” and thinking outside the box.   We’re all having fun with it!



Crazy Character

Josiah keeps us laughing all the time.

josiah in funny glasses

He says and does the funniest things that I just don’t see coming.  It’s been so much fun having him home by himself now that Chloe is in school–and he has been LOVING it too.

This morning he really wanted to walk Chloe to the bus stop with me, so we meandered down the street (making sure to walk on every ice patch he could find) and then said a jovial “Good-bye!” to the bus driver when she got on.  Then we turned around and had to walk on all the ice patches on the way back too.  He laughs when he slides or falls, and says “oooooh!  That’s a slippery one!”

In other news… tomorrow is my big candy making day!  I’ll be covered up to my ears in chocolate all day.  Yay!

Funny Picture: Realization

I know Tim has already posted this picture on Facebook, but I wanted to re-post it here in case any of you missed it.  I just love this picture.  This is the moment that it really dawned on the kids that we were ACTUALLY having a baby.


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