Writing about all the big & little things

First trip to the dentist!

First trip to the dentist 1.8 (1)

I don’t like the dentist.

Don’t worry–it’s not personal.  I don’t like ANY dentists.

I have very soft teeth and no matter how many times I brush and floss regularly, I have always had something that needed to be done with my teeth–fillings, root canals, more fillings, crowns, and more fillings.  So, I have a great dislike of the dentist.  Add that to our predicament of being self-employed and not having dental insurance = expensive trips to the dentist.

However, I realized that my own feelings about the dentist (and cost!) have been deterring me from taking Chloe and Josiah to the dentist.  So, I finally bit the bullet and took them this morning.  I’m so proud of me. 🙂

And I’m so proud of them–they both were just wonderful.  I know Chloe was quite nervous this morning and even when we arrived.  But the dental hygienist was very patient and explained everything to her wonderfully and soon she was having a great time.    Josiah was a bit resistant about the whole dentist thing, but after he watched Chloe on the chair wearing the cool sunglasses and getting special bubble gum stuff in her mouth, he was totally on board for his turn.

First trip to the dentist 1.8 (5) First trip to the dentist 1.8 (3)

And for those interested, Chloe has two discolored spots on her bottom front teeth–turns out it’s just a “birthmark.”  They think it happens when the tooth is developing and she might have a fever at the same time that simply changes the color of the tooth.  There’s nothing we can do about it–but it also doesn’t affect the tooth at all.  It’s not weaker or anything, simply a funny color.

First trip to the dentist 1.8 (4)



  1. chris

    One of you guys had one of those discolored teeth. I think it was Nathan.

    So glad their first trip was so positive!

  2. Patsy Friesen

    I too am glad they had a positive experience (although Josiah’s one expression does look a bit unsure☺) and a good report!

  3. Amy

    I was so nervous too, but I worked really hard not to tell the kids 🙂 So, they enjoy the dentist.

    Regarding insurance, I found out that if you have health insurance coverage that is compliant with the new health laws, it covers kids dental exams every 6 months. So, that helps at least a little.
    I’m glad it went well for them!

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