Writing about all the big & little things

New neighbors next door

Our new neighbors moved in a couple weeks ago–they live right next door to our north.  We’ve had a lot of houses go up for sale on our street but this one was the most interesting to me since our backyards touch… I had been watching closely to see who was going to move in, so we were excited to finally meet them.  Turns out it’s a young couple (no kids yet) with a dog.   They are really nice.  I’m so excited.  Plus they have the most interesting dog–a great dane puppy!  It’s the most gorgeous color too: charcoal grey.   He’s 10 months old (so not done growing yet) and already REALLY tall and has the sweetest temperament.  Josiah and Chloe love him, which is really funny since the dogs head is higher than Josiah’s but he has absolutely no fear of the dog.

A funny aside is that his name is “Cooper” which is also the name of the dog who lives on the other side of them!  So there are two “Coopers” next door to each other.  🙂  Isn’t that funny?  So, we decided to call him “Big Cooper” to help the kids differentiate between the two.

Today the kids were playing outside and Big Cooper came outside and trotted alongside the fence with Josiah.  It was just adorable how Josiah kept walking back and forth talking to him.  I tried to take a picture, but keep in mind I was standing in the living room trying to take a picture through the window…  But still it gives you an idea of the size.

big cooper (8)

1 Comment

  1. chris

    What a beautiful dog! It is so nice that you have so many dogs around without actually having to have one yourself!

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