Boy, what a gorgeous day…
I’m so glad I decided to get outside with the kids this morning.
Ew, gross. Look at that giant bug. I hope Chloe doesn’t see it.
I should run now. Was that enough of a warm up walk? Maybe I should wait to run until I get to that tree up ahead. No, not that close one–that one further away.
Alright. This is good. I’m off to a steady start. Just slow and steady.
Yes, Chloe I see you. (shown by a thumbs up)
Yes, Chloe you can pick that flower. (shown by another thumbs up)
Yes, Josiah I see the flowers too. (shown by a loud happy grunt)
Wow–I never realized how hilly this road was.
Try and just relax and swing your arms.
“Okay Chloe” it’s time to cross the road.
I can’t run anymore. I think I should walk. No, wait–here comes another person on the trail. I have to wait until I pass that person, so they don’t see me walk.
(Happy wave at stranger.)
Yes! I’m past. Now I can walk. Just for a second.
Eww–look at the sweat dripping off my sunglasses.
Time to run again. I hear you Josiah–Chloe’s starting to get away. We better catch up.
“Okay Chloe” Another road.
Remember when I thought it was a beautiful morning–I’ve changed my mind. It’s too hot.
I’ve got to be getting close…
Oh–I never noticed that house before. It’s pretty.
Yes, Chloe you can pick up that piece of trash. (shown by thumbs up)
Yes, Josiah, I see Chloe picking up the trash. (shown by, “uh, huh”)
“Okay Chloe”
Boy, I’m on a roll–look at me run. I’m pretty fast.
I feel like I could run down this hill forever.
No. I was wrong. I need to walk now. The hill has ended and Josiah is heavier than I remember.
“Okay Chloe”
Have you gained weight since yesterday Josiah? I swear you’re heavier…
Oh, look! It’s the last turn before our house!
Almost there…
I hope I don’t see anyone I know. I’m a mess…
I’m totally going to sprint the last block.
Maybe not sprint… how about half sprint?
Okay, if I can just keep running and to the end I’ll be happy….
Maybe just a slow run….
Almost………. there……..
Yes! I’m a rockstar! (hands in the air as I pass the finish line my driveway).
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