You know how when you’re filling out your weight on your driver’s license application you have the mental battle about whether or not you’re going to put your actual weight or not?
No? Come on… tell the truth.
I would find it hard to believe that I’m the only person who has this struggle. I know, I know, it’s not like I’m TRYING to blatantly lie or anything, but I always seem to shave off a few pounds. Technically speaking I did weigh that amount as I passed it to my heavier weight.
Well, for the first time since I can remember I actually weight LESS than my license says!
***(Insert Happy Dance Here)***
Sometimes it’s the little things in life (that no one will even notice, like my Driver’s License) that make me smile.
That is awesome!
I had to renew my license a month after I had Ethan. I am sure I just went with my something lower than I currently weighed 🙂 Here in TN they don’t ask for weight.
I can’t wait to move to TENNESSEE! And, yes, I always shave a little off my weight. After all, people always tell me I don’t look that heavy, and I want to give an honest report of how heavy someone will THINK I look! (Yeah, right..)
Way to go, Erica – that is awesome!!
Am I the only one that adds weight.. Well before I had kids I did..I added about 7-10 pounds to myself. I don’t feel the need to do that anymore. I just wanted to be over the 100 lbs mark! Happy Saturday Erica!!!
*I also add 2 inches to my height*