Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Family (Page 12 of 26)

Gearing up for our Partaaaaaaay!

Tim’s Birthday is on Monday so we decided to have a sort of “shin-dig” at our house on Sunday afternoon.  It’s nothing terribly special–just a few hours to have friends from church and college and co-workers and people who haven’t been able to see our new house come over and eat hot dogs on our lawn.  Kind of like having a housewarming party, and kind of like having a Birthday party all rolled into one.  And for someone who enjoys being efficient, it bodes well with me.  🙂

We were originally hoping to have the fence done by the party, but that’s not going to happen… but we did have another bid done for it and it sounds like we’re going to go ahead with this last one.  But he’s still 3 weeks out, so it won’t happen until June sometime.

But that means I need to deep clean the house before Sunday, on the off chance that we have bad weather and we’re all squished inside.  I’ve broken my week down by days and what I want to accomplish and I’m excited to see if I can stay on track.  Luckily it’s only Tuesday so I have so much time to get everything done.  🙂

Ice Cream….

July 2013

July 2013

I’ve decided to be fun and start using my ice cream maker again!  I have a little electronic one that looks like this:


So, I dug all the parts out and I started looking for recipes.  I’m pleased to say that our first recipe turned out surprisingly well.  It is very, very, creamy as opposed to “icy”–which also means that it melts very fast.  Oh, and it’s just plain chocolate.  I had extra ingredients to make another batch so I did that this morning and wouldn’t you know… my ice cream maker quit working.  It started again after a while, and then quit again… so I finally gave up and just put it in the freezer.  We’ll see if I’m able to even scoop it or if it will be too hard.  I’m so bummed!  Wouldn’t it just figure that when I decide to start using my ice cream maker that’s when it decides to break… 🙂  Oh, well.  We’ll let it rest for a bit and see if it works again later.

Friday night random thoughts

My Friday night random thoughts.

►► We had the fence guys come and give us an estimate.  It took longer than we expected and it’s a good chunk of change.  We’ll see if that is on the summer list of projects to be competed….

►►  Chloe played outside almost the entire day today.  She was VERY tired by bedtime.  And it looks like a little bit sunburned… oops!

►► I’m going running with a church friend tomorrow morning.  It’s going to be slow and painful, but fun.

►► I’ve decided to bring my ice cream maker back to life for the summer.  If you know any good ice cream recipes, you should send them to me!

►► I can’t remember if I wrote about my new piano tuner–he’s really great.  I like him a lot.  He was very informative and cost the same as my old tuner.

►►  My summer schedule is coming together pretty nicely.  As of now, I’m only teaching on Monday (afternoon-evening) and Tuesday (all day).  I’m excited for the chance of pace.

►► I’m also very excited to do a lot of fun summer things with the kids!

►► Speaking of fun summer things–I’ve signed Josiah and Chloe up for free bowling over the summer.  Doesn’t that sound like fun!?!


My Mother’s Day Recap

Mother's Day kiddo picture (1)

It’s fun to read about everyone’s ideal Mother’s Day and what made the day special.  Mine was actually quite delightful too–although less traditional… but if you know me at all, I guess it makes sense.

But first I have to share this gem that Chloe brought home from preschool for me–it makes me laugh.

Mothers day note

Tim had to head to church extra early (since they couldn’t rehearse for worship team on Saturday this week) so the kids and I were up and moving very early.  This was also due to the fact that we let Josiah sleep in Chloe’s room (on his bed, of course) because we decided to work on painting his room over the weekend.  So… they both woke up early and were talking and playing together… 🙂

So I set up the kids with a “picnic breakfast” and got to work putting another coat of paint on in his room before getting ourselves to the first service.

breakfast on mothers day (while mom is painting)

After church we had Chipotle outside on our deck for lunch (my request) and then the kids went down for naps.  Then I went to a local church to see a production of “The Sound of Music” that I had a few students performing in.  It was excellent.  Then after I got back we worked on finishing Josiah’s room and the kids watched Cars 2 (and I watched for a while too… hehe!).  Tim was wonderful and even did a couple loads of laundry.

I guess it just goes to show that I love a good productive day, eh?

Oh, and be sure to tune back in for the exciting transformation of Josiah’s room!

New piano tuner

My regular piano tuner has changed areas so I’m having a new tuner/technician come out next week.  I’m curious what the price difference will be and if I’ll like him as much… My old guy was great, so I’m sad to see him go, but maybe I’ll like this one just as much. I’m just not a fan of change…

In other random news, I was browsing Edina Realty the other day and there are 5 houses in our old neighborhood for sale now (within a block of our old house).  I guess we weren’t the only ones that decided it was time to move!

Also in more random news, a friend of ours gave us their old Wii fit board and game.  So the kids and I have been having a blast “exercising” in the morning.  Although I was a bit discouraged when I created my Wii character and inputted all my information and then my character ballooned up really big!  Then Chloe’s character was right next to mine (her’s as thin as a twig) and she looks at hers and says, “Wow!  I’m really skinny!”  Then she paused and looked at mine.  “Yours is not.”

Thanks honey.  I love your honesty.

Happiness is…

An attached garage.

Yup.  That’s what I’m thankful for these days.  It’s been raining a lot and I just love the feeling of being able to just drive right into our garage and get out without getting drenched.  It’s amazing.  I didn’t realize how much I would love it–an attached garage was definitely not high on our priority list when we were house hunting.  But now that we have one, I can firmly say I love it.  Tim probably doesn’t love it as much since he still has to part his truck outside… hehe!

I went to Sam’s Club on Sunday and when I left it wasn’t raining.  So I parked in my normal spot–not close to the store.  And while I was in the store doing my shopping I started to hear it… the sound of torrential down-pouring rail.  It was incredibly loud in the store.  Very very loud.  So I started to shop a little slower, hoping by the time I checked out it would be done.  Nope.  No such luck.  As I made my way toward the exit I noticed a rather large reluctant crowd all hovered around the exit doors.  Everyone was pretending to be busy with something or other but it was clear no one wanted to brave the rain.  I stood for a little bit watching the sheets of rain.  Trying to decide if I cared enough to stay inside standing around aimlessly.  I battled my dislike of getting wet with my dislike of being unproductive.  So I slowly and deliberately walked through the exit door.  I took a deep breath… and I ran like the wind!  And wouldn’t you know it was one of those days where people had parked too close so I couldn’t get my cart through the cars!  I tried twice before I finally took refuge in a cart corral.  Then I had to run in a big circle around all the cars to the next isle to get to my car.

Needless to say, I was very, very wet.  My pants especially since as I was running it splashed all over.  And I had made it just about all the way to my car and didn’t notice the giant puddle that was deep enough to completely cover my feet… ah, wet socks…

I finally unloaded all of my stuff into the trunk and quickly made a dive for my car.  As I sat in my car laughing at how ridiculous I must have looked I glanced over to my right.  Do you know what was there?

My umbrella.

dripping wet

All Left Turns (well, almost)

This morning the kids and I went on a walk around the neighborhood.  I decided that we would only make left turns, which actually led us to a trail I didn’t even know existed–and also another park.  I’m continually surprised at how many parks there are within 1 mile of our house.  It ended up being 2 miles exactly by the time we made it back to our house–which I admit did include the final turn which needed to be a right turn to get onto our road… 🙂  It was a beautiful day and a fun little adventure.

In other news it rained yesterday morning and in just 2 or 3 hours after drying up it looked like someone had painted green all over.  The grass suddenly started peeking through green and I’ve noticed the buds starting to pop.  It amazing what a little bit of sunshine and rain will do!  We had the MOST GORGEOUS Easter weather on Sunday.  It was a picture perfect day… ah…


Random Updates

Tim’s Foot:  He went to the specialist on Monday and they couldn’t say anything for sure, but he said it was most likely gout.  So Tim got some low dose medicine to help with the pain and swelling and he’s doing MUCH better.  He’s almost ready to not wear the boot… almost.

Snow: Well, it’s all melted around here, so it wasn’t much to complain about.  🙂  The kids are playing outside again today, and Tim was able to go back to work, so we’re all happy again.

This Weekend:  We have lots of fun stuff planned for this weekend.  One of which includes seeing Mom and Dad tomorrow–yippie!  Other things going on… Chloe has a birthday party she’s attending, surprise birthday party here on Sat. night, Easter services, some of Tim’s family over on Sunday after church, Easter egg hunt somewhere in there…

House:  Look!  We finally have paint for Josiah’s room.  That means that it won’t stay pink forever!  😉

Paint:  Primer, Blue, Grey & White!

Paint: Primer, Blue, Grey & White!

Happy Birthday Luke!

A very happy birthday shout out to my little brother, Luke!  He gets the esteemed privilege of sharing his birthday with tax day–haha!  Not quite a pleasant “birthday gift” each year, huh?  Well, I suppose it could be if you were getting money back from taxes…  but you know what I mean.luke C

I hope you have a WONDERFUL day filled with all sorts of love and laughter.  Sadly I’ve put your birthday card in the box that is coming with Mom and Dad next week, so you’ll be getting that late… oops!   It’s the thought that counts, not the punctuality, right?

Love you!

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