My regular piano tuner has changed areas so I’m having a new tuner/technician come out next week. I’m curious what the price difference will be and if I’ll like him as much… My old guy was great, so I’m sad to see him go, but maybe I’ll like this one just as much. I’m just not a fan of change…
In other random news, I was browsing Edina Realty the other day and there are 5 houses in our old neighborhood for sale now (within a block of our old house). I guess we weren’t the only ones that decided it was time to move!
Also in more random news, a friend of ours gave us their old Wii fit board and game. So the kids and I have been having a blast “exercising” in the morning. Although I was a bit discouraged when I created my Wii character and inputted all my information and then my character ballooned up really big! Then Chloe’s character was right next to mine (her’s as thin as a twig) and she looks at hers and says, “Wow! I’m really skinny!” Then she paused and looked at mine. “Yours is not.”
Thanks honey. I love your honesty.
Yes, aren’t you glad we stress honesty in our family? But we also stress tact, just a little later in their young lives.
She could have said, “Mom!, you’re really fat!” Teehee. But I’m convinced the machine does it’s own thing.