I just read Amy’s post and mine is very similar. Great minds think alike, eh?
Here’s to May! And a whole MESS of “New” things! New beginnings, new attitude, new weight loss start, new ideas for getting more veggies into my kids, new crafts to think up for Chloe, new ideas to take time to relax as a family, new law to mow, and new menu plan for our family.
See, May is going to be AWESOME!
In other news, I just had to post this picture. It was our nanny, Alisa’s, Birthday this past week, and we had her over to celebrate (her Mom was out of town). It was the big 18! So I even made her a crazy cake! I just love this picture–doesn’t she look so happy?
Yes, that is a darling picture of her. And a cool cake, too. Looks like it might be chocolate? I love the striped candles.
That cake looks delicious!
I’m with you (and Amy) on the new weight loss start. Knowing you two are struggling with the same temptations helps.