Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Family (Page 20 of 26)

Thankful Week (Sunday)

In honor of Thanksgiving this week I wanted to post something I’m Thankful for every day.

Sometimes (okay, honestly, a lot) I take for granted the things I have in my life.  In the busyness of life and lure of advertising, my appreciation seems to easily dissolves away into discontentment.  So this week I will voice what I am thankful for.

1.  I am thankful for a husband who shares my values.

This is huge.  And don’t get me wrong:  I’m thankful for Tim for many other reasons too.  But recently I’ve realized how lucky I am to be married to a man that loves God and uses the Bible as his standard for life.  When we have parenting decisions to make, I know we will ultimately agree on which direction to go.  When we need to pray about where God is directing us in the house search, I know I can trust him.

We agree on what’s truly important.  And for that, I am truly thankful.

Not slowing down.

About this time of year I announce that Tim is officially done with his work season.  But this year we are surprised (and incredibly blessed) that Tim actually has work lined up through the end of November!  I can’t remember him ever working this late in the year.  We were happy when he thought he would be working up to the week of Thanksgiving and now it’s another week (or maybe even two!) past that.  🙂

God is good.  There’s no other way to explain the jobs popping up out of nowhere.  And even though Tim is soooooo ready to be done for the season we both are thankful for the extra work.  Especially in the overwhelming prospect of house searching…

Oh, yeah, and as a side note:  I lost 3 pounds this week.  🙂  Yippie!

My first Vikings Game!

This past Sunday, I went to my very first Vikings game!  🙂  My friend Stacy and her husband had 2 extra tickets and generously offered to let us come along.  Tim has been to a bunch of games, so it wasn’t a big deal for him, but this was my first time even inside the metrodome.  I wasn’t sure what to expect.

And I must say, I had a fantastic time.

It was loud, yes.  But not as loud as I expected.  (And Yes, I brought ear plugs.  Pretty purple ones even!)  It was rowdy, yes.  But, again, not as rowdy as I expected.  It was way up in the bleachers, yes.  But the field was much larger than I expected, so it was easy to follow what was going on.  And I’ve been married long enough to actually understand the game now.  Ever since we started dating, Tim has done a wonderful job of slowly (I’m sure painstakingly) explaining my gazillion questions about what’s going on, so now I pretty much get it.  Once in a while I’ll be totally clueless on what just happened, but I can hold my own pretty well.  🙂

I will admit there was a moment that I questioned my decision to go.  It was as we were filing in at the very beginning at that exact moment when we were literally pressed up on every side against strangers… Everyone was at a stand-still trying to go both ways (unsuccessfully) and it seemed like I would never get free.  It was a bit scary actually.  But it soon loosened up and there weren’t any more scary crowd moments after that.

And as a side note, I tried to crop out my double chin in the picture above, haha!  But it made my face ridiculously small… 🙂  So I guess you all will just have to love me–double chin and all!  😉

Happy Birthday Uncles!

This is the week for Birthday’s apparently!  Chloe & Josiah have gotten tired of me saying, guess who’s Birthday it is today?  Haha!

* Yesterday was Uncle Ryan’s Birthday!

* Today is Uncle Nathan’s Birthday!

* Tomorrow is Uncle Justin’s Birthday!

So, Happy Birthday to all the Uncles out there–I hope you all had a wonderful time on your perspective special days!  I had grand plans to have Chloe make a delightful card and post a picture of it, but here we are and Chloe is already in bed…. maybe that will be a project for tomorrow!

In other news:  I lost 1 pound this week.  😀  Yay for progress!

It was fun and then she got sick too…

Sailor Girl and Tigger!

Last night was Halloween.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to take Chloe & Josiah trick-or-treating or not but since all my students after supper cancelled I decided that we would go out for a little bit.  Jen came and dressed up and went with us.  Oh, and a family from church who has kids about the same age as Chloe wanted to swing by and say hi to Chloe, so they came with us for a couple of blocks as well.  All in all, it was fun.  Josiah wasn’t crazy about sitting in the wagon–he would much rather be pulling it.  No, scratch that.  He would rather be pushing it backwards.  So you can see why we had a battle about that.  🙂

Chloe and her friends from church: Indiana Jones, Mario, Spiderman and Sailor Girl!

We made our rounds to say hi to all the neighbors and then made our way home.  We were only out for 1 hour (and didn’t go very far at all!) but going up and down every sidewalk to every door with little kids is quite time consuming.  By the time we got home EVERYONE was tired and ready to be done.  Which was good, because Chloe said she didn’t feel good and laid down on the couch.  Then as we were getting the kids into bed she threw up… So, I guess she was right!

Today, this is how she spent most of the morning...

So, both kids are now sick.  🙁  I’m working at disinfecting the house before my lessons start coming.  She may have caught the Croup that they say Josiah has, but Tim and I are not convinced that’s what it is.  But who are we to say differently…?  Either way, they are sick and, Croup or not, they need a couple of days to lay low and get better.

I’ll post pictures of our pumpkin party tomorrow!

Uh Oh…

Doctor anyone?

UPDATE:  I took him to the clinic this morning and they diagnosed it as Croup.  He seems to be almost perfectly fine today with just a lingering phlegmy cough. I feel silly now that I took him in–but I swear it was awful last night!  Ah, well… better safe than sorry!

Josiah has developed a nasty-chest-bark-raspy-cough-thing. It came on fast and strong. When he woke up this morning he seemed okay still but by noon he was definitely noticeably worse and now at bed time Tim said he has a bad feeling about tonight.   The good news is that it hasn’t hampered his spirits much, although he is a bit more cuddly than normal he is in otherwise jovial spirits.

I’ve already planned to miss BSF tomorrow morning and take him in to the doctor since it’s gotten so bad so quickly.  I’ll keep you posted on what happens.  I’m hoping it’s nothing and just sounds worse than it really is.  Everything sounds so much worse in a baby/toddler.  🙂

October 25!

Do you know what today is?


You don’t?

Think hard….



Well yes, it IS the 2 month mark until Christmas as well…

But more importantly it is Dende’s Birthday!

I can’t believe you didn’t know that!  Haha!  😉  I guess it’s one of those things that is only important when you have kids.   I admit we have never noticed it in year’s past.  However, Chloe is finally understanding that everyone has a birthday and wants to know when it is, and of course, celebrate!

So, in “celebration” of Dende’s Birthday, Chloe made him a “card.”

Then we tried to take pictures and make him to tricks…

So proud of her "Card!"

It was extremely difficult to get a picture of all three actually looking in my direction... in this picture I'm holding the treat in my left hand so Josiah came up to point at it!

Chloe: " Dende Roll over!"

".... Dende beg!"

"... Dende wait...."

Fall is in the air!

Enjoying our walk to the river!

Well, Fall is definitely here (as if there was any doubt!).  Temperatures have dropped significantly and the pumpkin displays are beaming at every store.  The wind is whipping through the trees so vigorously today that the leaves seem to be falling like raindrops.  Big colorful raindrops that smear the green and brown grass with sunshiny colors.  And it’s all very beautiful until I remember that I have to rake those leaves in a few days…  But I’m still enjoying it.  I don’t enjoy wind, but I find the floating leaves fun to watch billowing all around.

The other day the kids and I went on a walk through town collecting leaves.  I found one of our conversations quite funny . It went something like this (upon finding a beautiful tree of vibrant red and a ton of leaves freshly fallen):

Me: “Okay Chloe, let’s find some beautiful leaves to put in our bag!”

Chloe: “Ok!” Then peering all around the ground, ” Ooooooh!  That one is pretty!”

Me:  “Alright bring it here then and we’ll put it in our bag.”

…  “Um, Chloe that one is wrinkly and brown.”

Chloe:  “But Mom, the brown ones are SO PRETTY!”  🙂


In other news we took a walk down to the river this past weekend and Chloe asked if she could ride her bike.  She had been asking to walk down to the fancy walking bridge for weeks and I kept forgetting.  It was a gorgeous day for a walk and Chloe really enjoyed being able to ride her bike.  I took some pictures of the trees on our way down and Tim made fun of me… they change colors every year and I know I’ve seen beautiful trees dozens of times, but somehow it always captivates me.

I just really love Fall.  🙂

Chloe is ready!

Tomorrow Chloe is going to spend a few days with Nana & Bumpa!

Her suitcase is packed and she is ready to go!  She wanted to keep her pillow by the door and it took me a while to convince her that she would need to use it tonight still… 🙂  We (that is, Josiah and I) are heading over to drop her off just after my BSF tomorrow morning.  I think she’s going to have a fantastic time.  It’s fun to watch her get excited and be able to count down the days as she gets older and understands the concept of time.  I’m actually really excited to just have Josiah for a little bit alone–I’m hoping we can work on some of his loudness.  He seems to yell a lot lately and I’m wondering if he’s here alone, if he won’t feel the need to be so loud!  At least that’s what I’m hoping!

I need to quick finish getting Chloe packed and then I’m off to bed.  I only have one more music seminar to attend next week for my MMTA contest music.  I’m looking forward to being done with them and having my Tuesday mornings back again.  It makes the weeks fly by when I have commitments so many mornings of the week.  My Tuesday students came today and I felt like I just saw them yesterday!  How the time is just flying by!

On a side note:  Tonight I made crock-pot lasagna (I think it was the recipe from Amy).  It was quite delicious but a little dry.  Maybe I cooked it too long… We still seemed to enjoy eating it though!  🙂

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