In honor of Thanksgiving this week I wanted to post something I’m Thankful for every day.
Sometimes (okay, honestly, a lot) I take for granted the things I have in my life. In the busyness of life and lure of advertising, my appreciation seems to easily dissolves away into discontentment. So this week I will voice what I am thankful for.
1. I am thankful for a husband who shares my values.
This is huge. And don’t get me wrong: I’m thankful for Tim for many other reasons too. But recently I’ve realized how lucky I am to be married to a man that loves God and uses the Bible as his standard for life. When we have parenting decisions to make, I know we will ultimately agree on which direction to go. When we need to pray about where God is directing us in the house search, I know I can trust him.
We agree on what’s truly important. And for that, I am truly thankful.
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