This is the week for Birthday’s apparently! Chloe & Josiah have gotten tired of me saying, guess who’s Birthday it is today? Haha!
* Yesterday was Uncle Ryan’s Birthday!
* Today is Uncle Nathan’s Birthday!
* Tomorrow is Uncle Justin’s Birthday!
So, Happy Birthday to all the Uncles out there–I hope you all had a wonderful time on your perspective special days! I had grand plans to have Chloe make a delightful card and post a picture of it, but here we are and Chloe is already in bed…. maybe that will be a project for tomorrow!
In other news: I lost 1 pound this week. 😀 Yay for progress!
And Sunday is Grandma Fritz’s birthday. (Not an uncle, though)
That’s cool–I didn’t remember that! A whole line of Birthdays!
The 9th was Grandma Zeeb’s birthday, and the 7th was Aunt Sandra’s birthday. 🙂 Busy week.