I’ve been busy researching property rentals for our next Fritz Family Gathering the past couple of days, which is really sucking up a lot of my time. My desire to get a good deal and find the perfect location/house keeps me searching and researching for hours.
And then, of course it was Mother’s Day weekend so I didn’t get much done over the weekend… and yesterday and today were spent making up for not doing as much over the weekend. Ha!
I promise I’ll post more this week. I’m definitely feeling the effects of being pregnant lately–by the time I finish teaching for the night my brain is mush, so I’m going to bed earlier and earlier. 🙂
Before I go, here’s a fun picture of Maddie from this weekend. She is LOVING being outside and getting more and more comfortable crawling and cruising along things. I fully expect her to be walking before she turns 1. (Which is fine with me, since I’m getting so big it’s hard to carry her everywhere!)
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