Writing about all the big & little things

Category: MMTA (Page 1 of 2)

Contest Week Chaos

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to post yesterday and today’s post will be brief… everyone got sick over the weekend.  Josiah was throwing up one night, then Chloe got a fever that hung on for 3 days, Maddie developed a nasty cough and mucus gunk, and then Tim caught what Josiah had.   Somehow I’ve managed to steer clear of everything (knock on wood!) so far.  I REALLY, really, really, really, don’t want to get sick over my contest weekend.  I guess time will tell!

I’ve been working on time change requests and cancellations for students today.  Every change I need to make has to be updated in 7 spots.  And I made 18 changes today.  So that means I made… let’s see… 18 times 7… um… well, A LOT of changes!  (Math was never my strong suit).  The good news is that they can only request time change until Thursday night and then I close the books and say “NO MORE!”  So that means only two more days of chaos!  Yippie!

Frazzled Friday

I know contest is getting close because I’ve spent my entire morning responding to emails and making changes/corrections to the contest schedule.  Yikes!   Let the chaos begin!

This weekend is going to be full (and fun, I’m sure!) as well.  We have all the cousins over for the day tomorrow, Chloe has swim practice, I’m teaching Baker’s piano, then Ryan & Steph as well as Kristen & Jer are coming over for supper (and to pick up their kids… hehe!) and then on Sunday I have another batch of volunteers coming to help work on contest folders.  But the AWESOME news is that it should be warm enough for the kids to play outside!  Yippie!!!

In other news I had my 24 week appointment yesterday.  Nothing new or exciting to share except that I’m measuring big–three weeks bigger than I should be.  Hmmmm… I asked her if it was something to be worried about–and also reminded her that I’m normally on the bigger side when I’ve been pregnant before–and she said if I measure three over again next time then I have to have another ultrasound.  So, I go back in one month.  We’ll see what happens then.  Also, at my next appointment I get to do the oh-so-much-fun-glucose-screening.  That’s the test where you have to drink this massive cup of really sweet thick “liquid” so see how my body can take on carbs and sugar.  If I don’t pass then I have to go back for a 2 hour test.  I passed fine with both Chloe and Josiah, so I’m not worried, but you just never know with each pregnancy.  🙂

Trip to the U

Well, I picked the worst day to plan to drive to the U of M to test all the pianos for contest.  Not only did I need to get there by 8:30, which puts me smack dab in the middle of rush hour traffic… but it was AWFUL driving weather.  The snow and slush and heavy traffic made me have to literally peel my fingers loose from my steering wheel when I finally got there.  I heard there were some terrible accidents this morning and I am so incredibly grateful that I was able to get there and back safely.  Driving downtown stresses me out.   Yuck!


It has begun: Contest season 2015

Yup.  We’re officially less than 2 weeks out from contest now.  Things are coming together slowly but surely.  I had my first volunteer days held here at my house yesterday to get the results mailing ready to go after contest.  I have one more next Sunday where we clean out all the old folders from last year and get all the little details prepped for contest weekend.  I’m amazed that it used to take us FOUR volunteer days to do what I can now get done in just TWO.  And it feels so amazing to have all the details put in place and organized again.  The longer I do this the better I am at putting things away in a way that makes them super simple to set up for the next year.  I also make lists of what I’ll need to order and do differently next year as I wrap up this year.  All those little details makes my life WAY less stressful around contest season than it has been in years past.

Oh!  And I’m super excited because daylight saving does NOT fall on contest weekend this year!  Yippie!  That makes my life sooooooo much better.  🙂

The only real worry I have for this year is simply my exhaustion and fatigue now that I’m getting more pregnant.   I was on my feet for 5 hours yesterday stuffing envelopes and my lower back really hurts this morning.  So, I’ll just have to be careful with making sure I sit once in a while on contest weekend.  And I’ll need to remember to wear comfortable shoes!

My contest restults

I realized in all my chaos I forgot to tell you all how my students did.

I had 26 start in preliminaries.

12 passed to finals:

  •   4 are non-winners
  •   4 are alternates (so they could be called if a spot opens)
  •   4 are winners!

For someone who likes even numbers and order this bodes well with me.  🙂

I’m still putting out fires today from teachers getting the wrong results and disgruntled parents not happy with the results, etc.  But I figure by tomorrow things will finally be settled down.  At least everyone I’ve talked with today has been very pleasant.

In other news–it’s quite beautiful outside today.  Which is nice since it’s officially the first day of Spring!  Whooo hooo!  Tim isn’t clinging to the hope that he’ll be able to start on April 1st like normal though… at this point there is still quite a bit of snow to get melted and then the ground has to thaw.  But it’s nice to be able to walk to the mailbox without needing boots and mittens and a hat!  😉


Contest Weekend… not quite done.

The contest judging days are officially over, but now we move onto the tedious task of “grading” all the students.  That means we have to stamp all the critiques that are winners and tabulate the results and record/assign the duet parts for the Honor’s concert in June… and most importantly put all the right critiques in all of the teachers envelopes to be mailed.  We’ll be spending all day at the MMTA office working on that today.

I’m exhausted.  I left when it was dark yesterday and got home when it was dark.

Almost done!


Crazy Contest Week!

(EDIT:  I wrote this post before I started teaching today and somehow didn’t get around to clicking “publish” until right now… another testament of how busy the day has been!)

It’s here!  Contest Week–wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I’ve been sitting at my computer all morning answering emails and phone calls.  I’m just SO THANKFUL that the time change doesn’t fall on contest weekend this year though.  That is a huge blessing.  🙂

How about a picture, since I can’t write today?  Yes?  Ok!


Chaos and Anticipation!

We’re in full contest swing mode around here, but things are progressing nicely (knock on wood).  All of my volunteers except one cancelled on me for this past weekend, so we didn’t get as much done as I had hoped–but I’m excited because I have 3 confirmed volunteers coming on Sunday which will be plenty to get everything finished up.  It will feel so good to get everything in place.  It’s amazing how even just one extra person makes such a difference.

As is the norm, I don’t really have any gaps in my teaching schedule right now to get stuff done.  Somehow that always happens.  But it’s all good.  Our spring break is really late this year (into the first week of April) so I’m hopeful that by then it will actually feel like Spring.  I’ve finally resigned myself to accepting that it will not be warm for contest weekend.  But my hope is just that all the roads will be cleared and not icy.  I can handle gloomy days and piles of snow as long as the roads are clear and dry.

Chloe and Josiah are doing well lately.  A little bit of cabin fever, but still ok.  Josiah amuses me daily with his little personality emerging more and more.  It’s crazy for me to think that just about this time was how old Chloe was when we had him.

And speaking of babies….!!!  (no not me, I could hear you all thinking it…) My brother, Luke and his wife are having their little baby boy tomorrow!  Well, technically I suppose it’s really all of Krista doing the work… haha!  But Luke will be right there beside her.  I’m so excited!  They are having a boy so they’ll have one of each now!  Yippie!    I can’t wait to see pictures and hear all about him…

March Forth!

Yup, it’s that one day that’s a command again!  March 4th.  🙂

And today I feel like I need to power through with contest stuff… this year has been eerily quiet as I’ve been getting geared up, which has been really nice.  I know part of the reason is because the longer I do this the easier it gets.  I know what steps I can start earlier, and shortcuts, and who my dependable people are, etc.

But this year is also the first year we’ve switched to doing the whole finals schedule via computer system scheduling.  And for the MOST PART it’s worked like a charm.  Except for this really annoying glitch that we’ve discovered that accidentally schedules a non winning student into the final and somehow takes out a winning student.  It’s the strangest thing… and I know it’s a computer glitch because it’s too specific and random to be human entered.  Either way, it’s making my life a nightmare right now. For every accidental entry I have to go through my six piles of separate folders/paper and eliminate that student and then I have to figure out a way to add in the student that should have been there the whole time… again back into the six piles of folders/papers.  So for every phone call like that I end up making 12 tedious corrections.  Every time the phone rings or I get a new email I silently cringe…

Ah, well.  It goes with the job, right?  🙂

January has been busy and full of depressing weather.

Yup, is COLD again today.


I think I saw a real temp of -17 and a wind chill of -47.  But I admit I’ve stopped actually looking.  Or trying to look ahead.  It’s just so ridiculously cold!  So, since it bums me out, I’ve just started to pretend it’s not so bad.  Almost all the schools are cancelled again today, but Shakopee already had today scheduled off for the quarter break, so we didn’t have to worry about it.  There have been rumors that tomorrow will be cancelled as well, so we’ll see.  I don’t mind winter, and I don’t mind cold, and I don’t mind snow, but I HATE WIND and I DISLIKE it THIS COLD.  So the combination of the two is quite depressing.

But onto happier things… In other news, January has been busy for me.  Somehow I get to the end of the week and I wonder where it has gone!  I started working out again, which was a big step for me.  No monumental achievements yet other than not being really really sore every day.  I finally feel good enough to trot up and down stairs again with ease.  I know if I stick with it I’ll make progress in the right direction.

Also, we had Piano Preliminaries this past weekend (which I already wrote about) which I am hopeful many of my students did well at.  That has filled up most of the lessons for the past month working on the details and memorization of their contest songs.  I will get the results tomorrow or Wednesday in the mail.  I’m excited to see how they all did.

My teaching schedule is VERY full.  I was full before, but I now have 2 High School girls who have jumped in as “on-call” students, since I didn’t have any regular slots open for them.  So if I get a cancellation I can quick contact them and see if they want to come and they can get a lesson in here and there.  That has filled up any of my gaps throughout my week.

We’re also enjoying being social again.  We finally have the space to invite friends over more often, which has been wonderful.  It was one of the things we talked long and hard about when we were searching for a larger house–needing to be willing to use our space to cultivate more relationships.  I admit I was a bit nervous about it, since I am a very “planned” person.  I don’t do well, just inviting people over on a whim… but I’m happy to say that the longer we are here the better is has become.  And we’ve only been living here for 3 months!  And I didn’t realize how much I was missing being social… my only issue I’m still working through is trying to be social without eating an excessive amount of food at each gathering.  I’m still working through it… 🙂

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