Yup, is COLD again today.
I think I saw a real temp of -17 and a wind chill of -47. But I admit I’ve stopped actually looking. Or trying to look ahead. It’s just so ridiculously cold! So, since it bums me out, I’ve just started to pretend it’s not so bad. Almost all the schools are cancelled again today, but Shakopee already had today scheduled off for the quarter break, so we didn’t have to worry about it. There have been rumors that tomorrow will be cancelled as well, so we’ll see. I don’t mind winter, and I don’t mind cold, and I don’t mind snow, but I HATE WIND and I DISLIKE it THIS COLD. So the combination of the two is quite depressing.
But onto happier things… In other news, January has been busy for me. Somehow I get to the end of the week and I wonder where it has gone! I started working out again, which was a big step for me. No monumental achievements yet other than not being really really sore every day. I finally feel good enough to trot up and down stairs again with ease. I know if I stick with it I’ll make progress in the right direction.
Also, we had Piano Preliminaries this past weekend (which I already wrote about) which I am hopeful many of my students did well at. That has filled up most of the lessons for the past month working on the details and memorization of their contest songs. I will get the results tomorrow or Wednesday in the mail. I’m excited to see how they all did.
My teaching schedule is VERY full. I was full before, but I now have 2 High School girls who have jumped in as “on-call” students, since I didn’t have any regular slots open for them. So if I get a cancellation I can quick contact them and see if they want to come and they can get a lesson in here and there. That has filled up any of my gaps throughout my week.
We’re also enjoying being social again. We finally have the space to invite friends over more often, which has been wonderful. It was one of the things we talked long and hard about when we were searching for a larger house–needing to be willing to use our space to cultivate more relationships. I admit I was a bit nervous about it, since I am a very “planned” person. I don’t do well, just inviting people over on a whim… but I’m happy to say that the longer we are here the better is has become. And we’ve only been living here for 3 months! And I didn’t realize how much I was missing being social… my only issue I’m still working through is trying to be social without eating an excessive amount of food at each gathering. I’m still working through it… 🙂
Things sound good your way (except the weather, of course).
When I was a kid there was a lot of socializing, planned and unplanned. For the surprise company my mother would often serve canned fruit and cake or cookies. And the refreshments were almost always served about 9 in the evening. But life back than was more people orientated and rural.