Yup, it’s that one day that’s a command again! March 4th. 🙂
And today I feel like I need to power through with contest stuff… this year has been eerily quiet as I’ve been getting geared up, which has been really nice. I know part of the reason is because the longer I do this the easier it gets. I know what steps I can start earlier, and shortcuts, and who my dependable people are, etc.
But this year is also the first year we’ve switched to doing the whole finals schedule via computer system scheduling. And for the MOST PART it’s worked like a charm. Except for this really annoying glitch that we’ve discovered that accidentally schedules a non winning student into the final and somehow takes out a winning student. It’s the strangest thing… and I know it’s a computer glitch because it’s too specific and random to be human entered. Either way, it’s making my life a nightmare right now. For every accidental entry I have to go through my six piles of separate folders/paper and eliminate that student and then I have to figure out a way to add in the student that should have been there the whole time… again back into the six piles of folders/papers. So for every phone call like that I end up making 12 tedious corrections. Every time the phone rings or I get a new email I silently cringe…
Ah, well. It goes with the job, right? 🙂
March forth! hahaha!