Today was the first day of Spring Break here! Well, I guess you could say that Saturday was actually the first day, but it was the weekend, so it felt normal. Today was the first day they didn’t have to go to school. Unfortunately I had to teach as a make-up day so I had 16 lessons. Yikes! I know it’s just normal work day hours, but it’s a lot of lessons in a row…
But now, it’s 9:00. And my last lesson just closed the door! So, NOW I’m on Spring Break. 🙂 I’m totally going to live it up by…. um…. probably going to bed early. Hahah! I’m so exciting.
In other news, we’re doing a bit of schedule rearranging this week since I’m not teaching. We’re sliding some naps a little and removed Levi’s last night bottle and graduating Maddie to a bigger bed (ok, it’s the same bed, but more freedom in her bed. If you want to know that full story, you’ll have to call me. 😉 ) So, it’s going to be a big week. Hopefully all the transitions will be smooth. Or at least not terrible.
Well, I’m off to celebrate with a bowl of ice cream!
Happy Monday everyone!
16 lessons in one day. I can’t imagine… Well, I can imagine, actually, but it is something I’d never attempt, even if I had the chance! Enjoy your vacation – you certainly earned it!