The other day I took a few pictures of the two Littles as we were going about our day. I thought you might enjoy seeing the pictures too.
First we started with breakfast. Look at those sleepy faces…
Then onto playing before naptime.
Then after naps we went on a walk. But it was pretty windy and chilly so I made them wear snowpants while they were sitting in the stroller. One was more excited about wearing matching snowpants than the other…
And finally all bundled up waiting for me to get my shoes tied…
After our walk we had lunch and discovered Levi had a very small allergic reaction to something (later discovered it was the same allergy we already knew about–a very slight allergy to egg whites) but I took a picture to document it. It’s hard to see, but there is a rash on his chin. (Also, don’t feel bad for him in the picture–he’s only crying because I wouldn’t let him have my phone… ha!)
Then, of course, there was more playing. On this day Maddie had found Josiah’s clipboard and was making her own list.
…and Levi found Tim’s reflective vest he has to wear at a job site. He really liked playing in that.
Oh, I do miss those days sometimes!