Well, we totally lived it up today on our first day of summer vacation. Wanna know what we did in way too many details? Why, then, my friend… read on!
- Got up at normal time and made cinnamon rolls for the kids
- Let Chloe sleep in
- Loaded up the kids and went garage sale-ing!
- Scored a few nice things: roller blades and pads for Chloe, kids show shovel, coloring book for and a ton of extra pencils, books for the big kids, awesome boots for Chloe and a few other random items.
- Chloe learned how to roller blade while Josiah learned how to turn on his skateboard all while I weeded around the three trees in our boulevard.
- Talked on the phone with Kylene! Our weekly phone call.
- Walked to the park with Chloe and the Littles so she could practice on her roller blades some more.
- Tim and Josiah went to Valleyfair to meet a friend and spent the afternoon there.
- The rest of us played in the sprinklers and enjoyed lounging out back until nap time.
- After the Littles went down for naps Chloe and I sat out on the back patio enjoying ice cream cones and just talking. We ended up watching a little bird making a nest in the bird house for a long time. It was just the perfect weather to sit in the shade with the breeze keeping us cool.
- Introduced Chloe to using the home phone to talk to her friend. It was adorable.
- Potted our new tomato plant. Josiah is very excited about having tomatoes!
- Cut some rhubarb from our garden and made rhubarb crisp. Nommmmm…
- Welcomed the boys home and heard all about how many rides Josiah went on without being scared! I was seriously impressed.
- Ran to Target with Levi after supper to get prepped for tomorrow… I am (drum roll) potty training Maddie. (Gulp).
I feel like today was abnormally long. Ha! We seemed to really cram a lot into one day, and yet there was a lot of relaxing in there too. I suppose it’s the best kind of day then, right? 😉
That does seem like a LOT for one day. But what a super day!