Apparently in the change over to summer I don’t have it in my schedule yet to sit and write anymore. I’ll have to see if I can squeeze that back in… I have seriously tried to sit down and write this post 3 or 4 times and keep getting distracted. Gah!
We’ve had a great start to our summer. We’ve had family visit, made trips to the park, eaten ice cream, set up new summer chore charts, gone for run/bike rides, and enjoyed playing in the sprinkler.
Here is a little bit of fun from the beginning of June…
- First and foremost–Maddie learned to use the big toilet! Whoo hoo! I think that’s where I left off in my last post. It went AMAZINGLY smoothly. Seriously. She had one accident early in the morning as she was just figuring things out, but then that was it. I can count on one hand the number of accidents she’s had since then. INCLUDING nighttime! Wowza. I guess she was ready!
- Kylene and Justin came to visit! They stayed for a few days during the first week of summer. They kids got to go to the pool with them, and Justin took Josiah to Valleyfair and Kylene took Chloe to Michael’s (yup, those were their requested destinations). We enjoyed hanging out with them and the kids loved wearing them out.
- We celebrated Father’s Day! There were many hand-made gifts and the kids prepared a song each to sing for Tim. It was adorable. I also made him “hamburgers” out of cupcakes and brownies! Aren’t they cool looking?
- We enjoyed ice cream on the patio! I know that probably doesn’t need its own bullet point, but oh, well!
Come back soon for Summer Happenings (Part 2)! 🙂
Yeah, pictures from Shakopee!!!!