I was in the living room talking on the phone with Kylene yesterday, and suddenly I heard a very loud crashing sound in the house.  I couldn’t pin point where the sound had come from or what could have made such a ruckus.  Needless to say, I was pretty concerned.  Poor Kylene had to listen as I ran from room to room trying to figure out what it was.  It sounded like a tree branch hit the house.  And it rumbled a little bit, almost like what I would imagine a car hitting your house would feel like.  It stressed me out.

After searching all of the downstairs rooms we headed upstairs and found the source of the sound:  The shelf in our closet had fallen completely off the wall.

Just to give you and idea of what it’s supposed to look like, here’s a “before” picture:

It was holding all of Tim’s clothes as well as a good size collection of books, which would explain the rumbling, and it was directly above me, which would explain why it was so loud.  I guess the poor shelf had all it could take.

The most interesting part to me is how all of the books fell almost directly into a laundry basket on the floor.  Isn’t that hilarious?  🙂

I guess we’ll be dealing with re-installing the shelf this weekend…


In other news:  the MMTA Honor’s Concert is tonight.  I’m taking off in an hour or so to get there early to get everything set up for the ushers (since I’m the Usher Coordinator).  I’m stressed out about it since I’ve never been to one of these concerts before and they are huge.  There are 700 performers.  Yup.  700.  The concert itself is scheduled to run about 2 hours and 15 minutes without an intermission.  Luckily I’ll be running around out in the hallways for most of it so I’m sure the time will pass quickly.  I do have one student participating in the concert which is such super exciting–and she’s even right on the end so I should be able to see her (assuming I’ll be able to quick sneak in to watch).

I’m hoping to take a few pictures while I’m there so you can see the magnitude of everything.  🙂  I’ll let you know how it went tomorrow!