Writing about all the big & little things

April Snowstorm (2019)

And just when we thought we had moved into Spring……..

It snowed. Again.

We had school cancelled.  Again.

I thought about taking a picture, but I feel like you all can visualize snow in your head just fine.  😉  We got about 9 inches–but then it rained a bit on top so it squished down to a heavy 5 inches.  It was actually a really strange storm:  it snowed like crazy, then it stormed with lightening and thunder with hail and then it rained for a bit more and then it snowed bit fat fluffy flakes again today.  Oh, and don’t forget we still have flooding from the initial thawing… what a funny spring!

Ah, remember last week when it was Spring Break and we played at the park?  Yeah, that was great.  I know it will melt quickly, so I’ll hold on a few more weeks for Spring!


1 Comment

  1. Christine L Fritz

    I’m sorry Spring is taking so long to get there. I hope you can find fun things to do to pass the time until you can play outside on dry grass again.

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