Writing about all the big & little things

The start of the work season

Regardless of the lingering snow (don’t worry, it’s almost gone) Tim’s work season is officially kicked into gear.  He actually started about a month ago, but he’s now busy enough to merit having nannies come again after school.  So, today marks the first day of nannies again.

I know I’ve mentioned before my mixed emotions with having nannies come.  I’m so thankful for these girls, and I’m also so thankful for Tim and I both having jobs; but it is definitely a little more work to have everything prepped and cleaned every day.  I have to really be on the ball right away in the morning to get everything done.  But on the flip side–the kids simply LOVE having nannies come and the variety of people they get to see each week.  Plus there is the added bonus of getting to go the park and do fun activities with them.  Two of the three nannies we have are repeat nannies from the Fall, and one is new, so it’s even more exciting for them to be able to look forward to seeing these girls again.

And, like so many things in life, this is just a season.  Before long we won’t even need nannies anymore.  The kids will be able to come home from school and entertain themselves or work on homework or chores.  Granted, that’s still a couple of years out, but I’m sure it will go faster than I think!

Oh, and I would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to my little brother, Luke!  I don’t think he actually reads my posts, but in case he does… I hope you have a FANTASTIC day, Luke!

1 Comment

  1. Christine L Fritz

    It is good that Tim is back to work, too. I’m sure he is happy to be doing what he loves. And I’m sure the nannies are happy to be back to work, too, because that amount of money can make a big difference in a young person’s life. Not to mention the experience they are getting for future resumes! Even if you are not particularly happy about the change, it sounds like a lot of other people probably are. And it sounds like you are remembering the things your kids love about it, which I’m sure makes you happy, too!

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