I remember taking a typing class in middle school. We would file into a very small room with computers along all the walls and then we take a little notepad and spend the duration of the class typing nonsensical words and sentences until we finished that book and could move on to the next.
I loved typing class.
Probably because it reminded me of playing the piano and I liked the way it felt to jab away at the keyboard. I was also very competitive, so I wanted to be the first person done each day with our assignment.
With the advancement of tablets and phones and smart boards, we have lost the essential need to have typing classes in school. So, I have decided that our children will learn to type the good old fashioned way, like I did. I was able to find a library book similar to what I used in school so at swim lesson on Sunday nights the big kids are learning to type. While one is in the water, the other one will sit at the computer and practice. They both seem to enjoy it, although it’s harder than they both thought it would be… Chloe has dabbled a little in typing before, but now we’re actually carving out time to make a bigger dent. I know they are both very excited to (eventually) be able to sit down and write out their own stories and thoughts. Not to mention how much this will eventually help them with homework and writing papers down the road!
You are such a good mom!