Writing about all the big & little things

I’ve had a busy, yet productive week.

My week has been good.  And it’s only Wednesday evening–I still have two more days of productivity left before the weekend!  Which is good, since our weekend looks to be quite busy…

I got sick and tired of looking around the house and seeing all the things I wanted to get done “during the summer” so I just started doing them!  The biggest and most tedious task has been rounding up all of the miscellaneous items that have found their way into piles of junk scattered throughout the house and sorting through it.  I had been just throwing all that stuff into the pantry closet in my studio but it finally got so full I couldn’t get into use my copy machine so it was time.  It took me a few hours, but I painstakingly took everything out of the closet and then only put back in what belongs and then relocated the rest to the dining room table.  Then I spent more time sorting through that pile.  I should be able to finally finish the rest of the pile tomorrow.  Then that leaves me with the basement… which might just have to be the big project for July.

This morning I made the mistake of asking Chloe if she wanted to “go for a run.”  What it actually means is I’ll be doing the running while she sits comfortably in her stroller with her water bottle propped in her lap enjoying the view slowly meandering by.  Either way, I said the R-word.  Which sent her into an all-out excited frenzy.  Followed by an all-out melt down when we couldn’t leave right now!  She just couldn’t understand how I needed to get changed and get my shoes on and get my stuff before we could leave.  She followed me around the house cry/whining/excited screaming “RUN! RUN! RUN! RUN!” as I proceeded to get ready.  Note to self:  Don’t say the R-word until I’m actually ready.  I must admit, however, that I was on the fence about actually going for a run.  I wasn’t for it or against it.  Her reaction definitely gave me the push I needed to get out the door, and fast!

Once I finally got out the door, we had a delightful run and all was fine.  🙂


  1. Kylene

    That’s awesome! 🙂 Is it bad that I find that absolutely hilarious?

  2. Nathan

    I can picture Chloe being frantic about wanting to go running NOW! It’s great that she likes to go with you.

  3. Kristen B

    Nothing like a little extra motivation!

  4. Spud

    great job being productive! Productivity must be in the air. I spent yesterday re-organizing Xavi’s room. It had become a collection zone for very random things. I took everything out that didn’t belong and now today I will be finding a home for the misc. items. mission organization.

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