Back to the daily grind today. We had a delightful long holiday weekend. Tim had the day off yesterday so we did a few things around the house. One of which was power washing the driveway and cutting down the giant weeds in our side alley. After we washed the driveway, Tim put some tar patch in the holes…
I then tried to power wash the garage, but it didn’t go very well. I ended up very wet, and the garage didn’t end up looking any cleaner. It was a tad disappointing.
I had anticipated going for a run yesterday morning but we ended up sleeping in (hooray for vacation!) and then by the time we ate breakfast and got ready it was already steamy/hot outside. So I mowed the lawn instead. Now that it’s getting hot earlier I need to remember to get out and run sooner in the day…
Today I taught lessons all morning (starting at 8:00) into the late afternoon. The nanny accidentally slept in so I finally called her 40 min. after she was supposed to be here… and she ended up arriving about an hour late. Which, coincidentally worked out just fine b/c my first lessons were sisters who both really liked Chloe and had no problem watching her. She came running through the door, visibly embarrassed and disheveled, but everything turned out fine. I’m sure she won’t be late anytime soon after this. 🙂
We enjoyed the extra vacation day yesterday too.
The heat is pretty miserable for running. I attempted 6 miles at 11:00am on Sunday. That was a huge mistake! Usually, I get up at 5:30 to do my run before it gets too hot out.
Getting wet yesterday must have felt good in the heat!