If you’ve read yesterday’s post this will all make more sense. 🙂 Yesterday’s nap was fine–she went down fine and woke up fine and everything went just, well, fine. Yesterday night was a different story. She was suddenly afraid of her bed so after a lot of coercing and calming she finally fell asleep. When I went to check on her right before heading to bed myself, I discovered two things: 1) she had fallen asleep with her Pooh bear that talks if you squeeze the belly–that was now wedged in next to the edge of the crib and starting to talk and wake her up… and 2) she had rolled into the make shift baby side rail and had pushed it out. She had pushed it out far enough, in fact, that it was absolutely useless. If she rolled any further that direction she would have rolled right off the bed, in between the mattress and the now pointless side rail. So, I worked on getting it put (quietly) back in place and then propped the pack-n-play against the other side to hold it in place just in case the same thing happened during the night.
This morning she woke up an hour earlier than normal and seeing the pack-n-play next to her crib, proceeded to throw all of her blankets/giraffe’s over the edge into it. She then crawled OVER the side rail and fell, with a plop, into the pack-n-play. I came dashing into the room alarmed by the unusual sound and found her looking a bit dazed but fine.
It was obvious we needed to modify or find a new side rail. And luckily Kristen came to our rescue. She had an extra rail that she gave us that was actually designed for a crib/toddler bed. It fits like a charm and works awesome. And it’s even white like the crib, which makes me doubly happy. 🙂
Chloe is tickled because it actually gives her room to climb up and down all by herself.
Now, the transition is no where near completed, b/c she is strangely afraid of the dark all of a sudden and we still need to work staying in bed until the correct time… but this new side rail will definitely help the process. So, thank you Kristen!
Hopefully I’ll have good news in a few days. 🙂
Hey, thanks for taking some excess stuff off my hands! And I’m glad it works and matches your bed decor. As for helping her stay in bed until the right time, perhaps get an alarm clock, and set it for the time she is allowed to get up. Tell her that when the music comes on, she can get out of bed. It may take a few times, but she’s a smart cookie and will catch on fast.
The new bedrail looks great! We set the lamp in Ethan’s and Audrey’s room on a timer. When the light turns on they can get out of bed. We didn’t do it when they were Chloe’s age. I’m not sure if it would have worked then, but it may have. Sometimes it’s hard to know what they “get”.
It probably wont take long for her to get used to it. She looks so grown up.