Tim and I are in agreement:  Chloe needs her sleep.

She is just a monster if she wakes up early or cuts a nap short.  We have both noticed a marked difference in her demeanor when she has had enough and not enough sleep.  It’s quite interesting.  The cute thing is that she is starting to understand that she is tired.  This morning, when the nanny was here, Chloe climbed back into her bed, covered up and said “Buh-bye” to Alisa.  Now, since this had never happened before, and Alisa wasn’t sure exactly what to do, Chloe didn’t actually take nap, but it’s good to know that she’s starting to understand when she’s sleepy.

In other news…

Today was a very strange teaching day.  I had five students not show up throughout the day plus three more I knew would be gone.  Which means I was sitting around more than I was teaching.  I’m attributing it to it being the last week of summer vacation here… But since I usually teach all morning and afternoon, I had Alisa here to watch Chloe–which felt weird since I wasn’t really doing anything.  So she helped me out with a few studio things which I think she enjoyed.  It was a nice, productive morning.

Chloe and I made cookies tonight.  It was a chocolate chip cookie kind of night.   🙂    The weather has cooled off a bit which made turning on the oven much more bearable.

I’m down to just 2 days of teaching left for the summer.  I honestly can’t believe my summer is already gone!