Well, we almost have a winner this week… this is actually our dinning room light! So, Krista was very close by saying it was a detail on a lamp.
Two weeks ago I got some very interesting guesses and I thought I should clarify–anything I take a picture of will be an item that is clearly visible in a room. I won’t get down on my hands and knees and crawl inside a cupboard to get a really obscure shot. I think it’s more fun if you’re able to guess the picture… 🙂
So, onward!
What do you think this is?
Wow, you have me stumped on that one. I can’t even take a guess. I can’t really tell if it is wood or metal. And it looks like the back of a chair to the left, but the rest doesn’t fit with that. So I am clueless!
My guess is detail on a lamp
It’s metal. 🙂
It looks like a toothpick holder to me.
That is amazing. I had to look back and forth between the two to finally convince my self that that was what it was!
So, this wasn’t in your home? I would never have guessed it was a light fixture. Very clever!