It’s officially cold. At least I think it’s cold. I can’t seem to stay warm lately. I think it’s directly related to the fact that I spend a lot of time in my studio and it’s the coldest room in our house (right Luke & Krista? haha!). I think it’s worse this year–I’m pretty sure the windows are leaking… So, I’ve been giving serious consideration to putting up plastic on the windows to see if that helps. Otherwise I’m in for a long chilly winter of teaching. And I would feel pretty silly sitting covered up in a blanket while I teach! 🙂
Well it’s time once again for my “Crazy Christmas Candy Creations!” That means I’ll be spending all weekend working on making musical candy for my students. I’m looking forward to it–probably more of the getting it done part, but I’m excited none the less. Tim’s going to try and keep Chloe busy for most of the day Saturday so I can work uninterrupted. I’m hopeful that I can work faster than last year and be totally done and wrapped up in a day and a half. We’ll see…
Have fun with the candy. Maybe I’ll do something edible again this year. Maybe popcorn balls or something like that. I have a couple weeks to decide.