We tried to take some pictures of the snow today but it was a bit sunny–most of the pictures ended up being too washed out. These are the few that turned out. I’m not sure if you can truly appreciate how much snow is everywhere, but I get a kick out of how big the banks are compared to Chloe.
Driving is a bit tricky because all of the drifts extend quite a ways into the street. You have to practically be in the middle of the intersection before you can see if there are any cars coming. I know the city will clear out the banks eventually, but I expect it to take a while.
The school across the street always heaps the snow into a big pile in the yard next to the main building. It’s REALLY big …
Our official reading was 21.5 inches of snow, but it was quite windy so some places we have more and in other places much less. I’m glad the sun is out today because it’s clearing off the roads and sidewalks. When I shoveled off the patio I started to make a big pile (like when Mom made a snow fort for Chloe last Christmas) and then I let Dende out to play in the snow. It was hilarious–he actually got stuck. It was just too deep! His little legs were flailing away but his body wasn’t going anywhere. 🙂 Luckily, because of the wind, the side of the yard nearest to the sidewalk has much less snow and he’s able to walk just fine over there–as long as he can make it there!
One thing about Chetek is that they do an amazing job of getting all that snow hauled away in a short time. I’m sure the residential areas are last, but where we lived in town was always done in about a day and, of course, the senior center even sooner. They just work non-stop hauling that snow in dumptrucks to have it done before the next snowfall. Some people complain about the piles down the middle of the streets, but that is how they do it – push it all to the middle, then shoot it into the dumptrucks lined up to take it away. Pretty cool, really.
Ours said 17 1/2 inches in the middle of the back yard. It wasn’t very scientific, though. I had to walk through it to get a couple clothespins off the line and it felt like it was up to the bottom of my knees and that came out 17 1/2 inches. It could be that my feet weren’t making it all the way to the ground, though. At any rate, it was a lot of snow.