This morning Chloe and I walked down to see how high the river was. And it’s high. Not quite spilling into Huber Park, but very close. Tim said it was supposed to rise something like 4 feet in the next 24 hours. We’ll walk back down again tomorrow to see the progress.
I thought it was going to be a nice spring day for a walk and it turned out to be extremely windy and bitterly cold. I was glad I threw in hat, mittens, scarf, and 2 blankets for Chloe, because she used them all. 🙂 About halfway there I was regretting my decision, but I just walked faster to keep myself warm. Hopefully tomorrow will be nicer–and if not, I’ll dress warmer!
weather this week will not getting warm…it’s only going to be in the 30’s. Dress warm.
It is interesting to see the river when it is much lower than flood stage, even if it is high. Normally by the time you post, we can’t tell where the banks are supposed to be. I look forward the the “flood pictures” again. I don’t know why, but I always think flooding is exciting. I supposed I wouldn’t if it was hindering my everyday life rather than someone else’s. It probably comes from knowing that all that water came from melting snow and that the flooding means that the snow is gone and spring is just around the corner. It has been really long since we’ve had any flooding of the Red Cedar River.