On Saturday night Chloe coughed pretty much continuously through the night. And it was one of those awful sounding coughs that I wish would go away–close to resembling a “seal” bark, but not quite. I’m sure it’s just the tail end of her sickness that wants to hang on to her lungs, so I’m not terribly worried about it, but it kept us awake for a long time… so long in fact that Tim ended up going downstairs to sleep on the couch since we all had to be up early for church the next day, and I seemed to be able to sleep through it more that he could. I did eventually get up and try holding her to see if that would help her body drain better, but she wanted to sleep in her bed, so it was short lived. Luckily she had about a 2 1/2 hour stretch where she didn’t cough at all (from 2:30 – 5:00) so I got to sleep then.
Anyway, all that so say, that I was tired last night. I didn’t take any naps yesterday, so I guess my body needed to catch up. We went to bed around 10:00 and then I slept in until 9:00. I got up and had breakfast and then couldn’t keep my eyes open so I went back to bed at 10:15 and slept until almost 12:00. It was crazy. But I’ve felt really good for the rest of the day, so I guess I needed it. 🙂 And I’m soooooooo thankful that Tim is still home yet, so I can actually take mid morning naps!
I say it again, that coughing thing is absolutely the worst thing about being a parent. Well, that and having your kids leave home when they grow up.