Apparently we express a lot of things to Chloe by saying her actions make us happy or sad. Her most common question these days is “Are you happy or sad?” It often comes after she had disobeyed and she’ll look at us and ask that, then immediately respond with “sad?” As if she knows the answer to her own question. That girl cracks me up sometimes. 🙂
Today has felt like Sunday all day. Which makes sense to me because yesterday felt like Saturday. I keep having to remind myself that it’s actually Sunday tomorrow… I guess a vacation week really messes with how the days feel! Of course, the funny part about writing this is that most of you won’t read this post until tomorrow which will actually be Sunday, so this probably won’t make much sense. Haha!
That happy/sad thing is amazing, because that is one of the things I pray specifically about for the grandkids — that they will come to learn how their actions affect other people’s feelings. So good that she is beginning to understand that already.