Writing about all the big & little things

Dresses, Dresses, Dresses!

Chloe is very into dresses these days.  Over the past 2 weeks she has managed to find and wear every ballerina tutu and fancy dress in her closet.  Finally a few days ago I decided to make her wear jeans again because it’s such a process having to help her hold up or take off her dresses/costumes every time she has to go to the bathroom.  So, we made a deal:  she could pick her favorite dress and I would let her wear it to church today.  It was still a few days away from Sunday at the time so I thought she might forget by this morning… nope!  In fact she woke up a few times last night coughing and when Tim went in to give her some medicine around 1:00 or so, she looked at him and reminded him that in the morning she would get to wear her dress and “clip-clops” (those are her fancy shoes, named because of the sound they make when she walks.  🙂  I made her stop wearing at home because they leave little black scuff marks on the kitchen floor that are impossible to get off!).  She has the memory of an elephant–doesn’t the saying go “an elephant never forgets,” right?

So, here was the dress that she chose:


  1. Amy

    She looks so pretty! Isn’t it fun to have a girl?

  2. Chris Fritz

    Tell Chloe Nana says she looks beautiful. That was a good choice of a dress!

  3. Kylene

    Adorable!! 😀

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