•  I finally got my piano tuned today.  It’s glorious.  I let it got for a year and a half, and that was much too long.  It was quite out of pitch…

•  Garage sale season is officially in full swing.  I’ve been starting to stock up on clothes for Chloe and Baby Friesen.  It’s very exciting to pay a fraction of the cost of what they would be in the store.  🙂

•   And speaking of garage sales…  I picked up the most adorable Tigger costume this morning at a garage sale for Baby Friesen.  It won’t fit until next year, but I’m super excited. (I’ll take a picture later tonight)

•  It’s sunny today, which makes me happy.

•  As I was teaching yesterday I realized I’m going to have to dig out the lawn mower soon.  (I know, I know, Kylene, you’ve been mowing for months now… 😉 )