Writing about all the big & little things

Time flies when you’re being productive!

I can’t believe my weekend has come and gone already.  And this is the first time in over a year that I didn’t sit down and write a post on the weekend.  It was strange.

But I’m pleased with the weekend–we were able to get a lot accomplished.  I spent hours re-organizing to store things better and start clearing space for Baby Friesen.  Part of that included Tim pricing and purchasing a new dresser (VERY much needed!  His old one is tiny and literally falling apart…) which will clear space in our closet for the bassinet and rocking chair.  The closet will be the temporary “room” for the baby until he and Chloe can share a room.  Of course, we still need to have a lot of our clothes in the closet too, but I’m hoping it will work out, since we don’t really have any other options at this point.  🙂

Tim also installed a new rod in Chloe’s “closet” (a.k.a. wardrobe)  so it won’t break anymore.   This is especially nice since Chloe is choosing her outfits more and more and isn’t always the most gentle when pulling her clothes out.  Now it’s super sturdy.

Yesterday was extremely pleasant outside so we took advantage of that with a nice walk to the park.  Both Chloe and Dende enjoyed themselves immensely.  I needed to get out and move as well–I’m having a really hard time sleeping lately because of lower back/hip pain.  It’s no fun at all.  I was hoping that a nice walk would help.  And even though it was quite painful during the walk, I did sleep better last night, so I’m happy.

And of course, today is absolutely gorgeous.  So, Chloe and I enjoyed a bike ride/walk and a picnic lunch outside.

I had yummy zucchini and onions…


  1. Shannon

    Glad you got lots done. Send some of your productivity to me please….I had great plans of cleaning out the garage and catching up with laundry. I ended up doing a load and a half of laundry before I collapsed into bed for a 3 hour nap..and nothing else that day was accomplished 🙁

  2. Chris Fritz

    Is that a chocolate chip pancake she is eating? I zoomed in really close and that was what it looks like. Looks yummy!

  3. Erica

    LOL! I can’t believe you could see that, Mom!! Yes, it is indeed her favorite–pancakes with mini chocolate chips. The lunch of champions! 🙂

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