Writing about all the big & little things

The Amazing Pregnant Woman!!!

And for my next trick….

<Drum roll>

…. I’m going to swell to unnatural proportions!!!

That’s right folks.  It’s finally warmed up and along with that brings humidity, and with that comes swelling.  I had to take off my regular rings a couple weeks ago, and put on my gaudy fake wedding ring again.  Oh,well.   I’ve noticed my ankles are slowly starting to “plump up” by the end of the day.  I was curious how bad my ankles eventually became last time and I ran across this picture…

Horrible, huh?  Yeah…. I took this about 2 weeks before I had Chloe.  I’m not nearly that bad yet, but I can see that I’m starting to head in that direction.  It appears to be linked to too much squatting and standing throughout my day.  For example, I’ve been busy cleaning out the upstairs and downstairs from all the extra clutter and that requires a lot of going up and down the stairs and bending over to carry boxes and stuff and my ankles (especially my right one for some reason) are more swollen today.

Oh, well.  I’m just happy my PUPPS are still gone.  🙂  Count your blessings, right!?!

1 Comment

  1. chris

    Those are some big feet, girl! Make sure to spend time lying down or at least sitting with your feet up. Looks like your body needs a bit of help getting the water to where it belongs!

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