Writing about all the big & little things

A July Birthday

Unless I go into labor and deliver very quickly I think it’s safe to say this Baby Friesen will be born in July for sure now.  🙂

I didn’t have any real reason to think this baby was going to come early anyway, but the thought just kept lingering in the back of my mind.  Now my only hope (I guess “hopes”) is that he isn’t born on the 4th of July or our Anniversary on the 12th… I’d like him to have his own special day.  But of course, I don’t really have any control over it!

Tomorrow morning I have another prenatal visit, this time with Chloe in tow.   We’re working on learning how to sit still and entertain herself when I’m busy in appointments or talking with other adults.  It’s hard for a 2 1/2 year old… but we’ll keep working on it.  Anyway, I’ve noticed more braxton hicks in the past couple of days so I’m curious if I’m progressing at all…

In other news, it was beastly hot today.  The official high here was only 94 but with the humidity it felt like 106.  That’s hot.  Chloe and I ran errands all morning until her nap (boy was I happy to come home to a wonderfully air conditioned house!) and then after she got up we set up the sprinkler for a bit.  She, funnily enough, complained that the water was too cold.  🙂  And I’ll admit after going out and stepping in it myself, it was a bit chilly–but definitely refreshing.


  1. Uncle Nathan

    Ju-u-une! Ju-u-une! Ju-u-une!

  2. Kristen B.

    Want to go to the beach on Sat. morning? Try again? 😉

  3. Erica

    Sure! I’m free all day! 🙂

  4. Chris Fritz

    All of my brothers were born in July, so it is a great month for baby boys! You could have it on the 10th and be the same day as Uncle Doak.

  5. Jen

    Hopefully he doesn’t hold out for August 😉

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