JD has started to laugh. It doesn’t happen very often, and if you’re not ready, you’ll miss it… but it’s starting. I just love that he’s becoming so interactive. I’m so happy that he’s as old as he is as I start back to work. He’s becoming such a big, sturdy baby, and is generally quite content–I have very little concern with the nanny’s starting next week.
This fall we’ll have 3 different nanny’s: a Mon/Fri girl, a Tues/Thurs girl, and a Wed boy. It’s a lot of juggling different people, but I think it’s going to work out just splendidly. And this way each nanny only has to commit to 2 days (or 1) a week instead of having to be here for all 5. This is also the first time the nanny’s will be dropped off on the bus at our house–hopefully things will go smoothly!
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