We enrolled Chloe in a Monday night class that runs for 8 weeks. It’s the first official class we’ve taken the time to have her take part of (besides BSF of course–but this one costs $. Only $20 but, still, that’s money!) It’s called “Young Athlete.” Here’s the description:
Young Athletes is an innovative inclusive sports play program for children with and without intellectual disabilities, designed to introduce them to the world of sports… Developing Skills for success as a future special Olympics athlete: Foundational skills / walking and running/ balancing and jumping / trapping and catching / throwing / kicking / striking / kicking / advanced skills…
Now Chloe doesn’t have any disabilities that we’re aware of, so you may think it’s silly that we enrolled her in this class. But it has been so good for her. Not only is she learning fun things (like kicking and catching) and she gets to run off some energy in a controlled setting, but more importantly she’s learning how to wait for kids who are slower than her–which is a tough thing to learn. She’ll finish a lot faster than the other students and she has to learn how to wait. It’s been a good learning experience.
So on Monday’s she gets ready and Tim will walk her across the street to the school and she gets to “go to school.” The sisters that live across the street actually help lead the class, which is how I heard about it, so this last week one of them offered to take her for us. It was so cute to watch Chloe walk away to “school.”
Oh, and she gets a cool t-shirt to wear to class. She’s proud of her shirt. 🙂
Chloe learning patience is in the BSF verse from this past lesson
Bible reference is I Co 13;4 ‘Love is patient, love is kind”