Writing about all the big & little things

I up and joined…

After much consideration and debate I finally decided it was time to bite the bullet and do it.

So I joined.

Weight Watchers that is.  🙂

I have heard success story after story about the system but I had to come to a point where I was mentally ready to join.  It’s not free and somehow I was determined to do this “on my own… for FREE!” But now, rounding up on 3/4 of a year past Josiah’s birth, it was OBVIOUSLY not working according to my plan.  My “for free and on my own” system had successfully kept me holding steady at my undesired weight.  So I guess I was successfully failing.

After looking I decided that Weight Watchers Online was my best bet.  I can’t commit to going to meetings or  weighing in anywhere.  So I now get my own little profile to keep track of what I eat.  It also helps me keep track of what types of things I’m eating (fruits & veggies, water, vitamins, dairy and healthy oils).

I love it.

It’s so satisfying to check off those little boxes and earn smiley faces for reaching my goals every day.  They also put together progress reports so I can look at my weight loss in a chart or inches lost in a grid or even see where I’m eating the most food throughout the day.  I think it’s nifty.

As of right now I’ve lost 12 pounds.  And for me that’s significant.  Any weight lost is a step closer in the right direction, right!  😀


  1. Shannon


  2. Amy

    When did you sign up? 12 pounds is great!

  3. Chris

    Atta girl, Erica!

  4. Erica

    Thanks guys! 🙂 I joined about six weeks ago. Oh, and today was my weigh in and I’m down another pound. Whooo hoo!

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